Rock Springs, Wyo. Borego Feb. 5 de 1923 Sr. Reynaldo Hurtado Respectable tio:Derijo la presente para Saludarlo afectosamente en union de toda su apresiable familia desiando que hal ser hesta en sus finas manos seyncuentre disfrutando de muy Buena salud quedando yo hasta esta fecha sin nobedad Gracias a Dios.
tio despues de mis gratos recuerdo digo a Ud. Yo me yncuentro en este lugar aora yncontre trabajo fuera de Rock Springs poco retirado pero por aora pronto le pido la corespondencia a Ese Lugar
2yo me bi hobligado asalir de de Idaho y Cayi Con Suerte que luego hotro dia enpese atrabajar yo no Se Si Ud. me abra escrito algunas Cartas asta hoy le escrebi a Frank para que me remita alguna a este Lugar. y agame fabor de mandarme el numero de la yompa y de los pantalones yo se Su no. pero no se Si sean para Ud. ho para los de casa El Corazon semeparte para ayudarlo y lo ayudare como puda aunque Sea lo que pueda Sierto ayer resebi pago y almismo tiempo nada medieron en dinero porque la probierón y algo que me presto en dinero el Mayordomo asi que para el hotro pago yo pienzo
3mandarle los pantalones y la yompa en dinero aber que tanto alcanzo a mandarle aunque Sea poco. digame Si pienza traerse a la familia y Si mama tambien piensa benirse fabor de mandarme desir yo Con mucho gusto ubiera aceptado a subuen deseo de ayudarlo des de luego que yego a Mexico pero no he podido andube algunos dias nomas trampiando y Dios quiso Colocarme aora ya estoy poco Serca de mi tio lo fui aber de algun modo bamos ayudarlo digame Cuando piensa Salir de haya aunque ya en su anterior me ynformo que para este Mes pero Siempre deceo Saber aora Si Mama piensa yrse me mande
4desir para asimismo aser lo posible amandarle tambien para heya y digame Si Sabe de Teodosio fabor de escrebirle y desirle que yo quiero Sebenga paraca. yo Se que en el berano ban atraer jente del pazo para el betabel y llo boy ainformar Si es Sierto para mandarle desir Como Si tiene muy proxima Su Salida pronto espero Su resolucion. y resiba mil recuerdos de mi tio y de Su familia tienen mucho gusto de que sefue aber a Su Mama y familia y que mi tia le escribio a su Mama en Disembre y que no le Contesto Trenidad les escribe aeyos de Arizona.
a Mama no le escribo derectamente porque estoy esperando su contestacion. y digame Si yego a qui la Señora ho no. y a Mama me ase fabor de desirle que no tenga pena yo boy aserlo posible amandarle algo. y resiba de Su Sobrino el mas Cresido afecto quien asus ordenes queda en lo poco que pueda
Su affmo. atto. S.S.Maxsimino Torrez
Rock Springs, Wyoming Borego February 5, 1923 Mr. Reynaldo Hurtado Respectable uncle;I write you this to greet you warmly in the company of your dear family, wishing that when you have this in your fine hands you will be in good health, I am myself without news, Thank God.
Uncle, after my pleasant greetings, I tell you that I find myself in this place now. I found work outside of Rock Springs, it’s a little far but for now I ask you to send correspondence to that place.
2I was forced to leave Idaho and I was lucky that soon after, the next day, I started working. I don’t know if you wrote to me some letters. I wrote Frank until today so he may forward them to me here. And please send me the size of the jumper jacket For the pants, I know your size but I don’t know if they’re for you or for someone at home. My heart breaks to help you and I will, anyway you ask, as much as I can. It’s true that I received payment yesterday, and at the same time I did not receive any money because of the probation and because of some money I owed the foreman so on the next payday I’m planning to
3send you the pants and the jumper jacket, in cash let’s see how much I can send you even if it’s a little. Tell me if you’re thinking of bringing the family and if my mom is also planning to come. Please let me know. I would have been pleased to accept your good wish that I should help you right after it arrived in Mexico, but I have not been able to. I spent a few days tramping and now God placed me somewhat near my uncle. I went to see him. We will help you somehow. Tell me when you’re planning to leave, you told me on your last letter that it was this month but I do wish to know if my mom is planning to leave. Let me
4know all the same so that I can do anything possible to send her money for her and tell me if you know anything about Teodosio. Please write to him and tell him I want him to come here. I know that in the summer they are going to bring people from El Paso to work on the beets and I’m going to find out if this is true to let you know. As your departure nears I wait for your resolution receive a thousand regards from my uncle and his family. They are very pleased that you he went to see your his mother and family, and my aunt wrote to her
mother in December but did not get a reply. Trinidad writes to them from Arizona. I do not write to my mom directly because I’m waiting for her reply. And tell me if the lady arrived or not. And please tell mom not to be worried concerned embarrassed that I will try to send her something. And receive from your nephew the warmest affection, from him who is at your service in the little that he can
Yours affectionally and truly Faithfully yours, Maxsimino Torrez