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Letter from Clemente Torres to Maximino Torres, December 27, 1926


  Sr. Maximino Torrez

Sr. Maximino Torrez mi muy estimado ermano de mi mayor respeto y cariño y muncho me alegrare que al tomar la presente entus muy atentas manos tencuentres gozando de huna completa felezidad. En compania de quienes te acompañen que la que denoz otros sedes pide Es mui trizte el desirte questrite E. porque mitio Bictor Fayecio el dia 5 del presente de D. y delo que Nos preguntas de mi tio Juan ya esta mui anciano y sit[?] te quieres benirte arreglar lo que temando desir ati tu lo sabes. ydelo que mandas desir de los sentabos que si debo; si debo Buenos[?] sentabos ysi puedes mandarme otros sentabos mandamelo para a cabar de pagar todo lo que debo

X yo Recibe saludes de mi tia X Lola X de Santiago X de Ylarion X de Panfilo X de todos X L… X de mí tia X Pachita X y de Blaz X y de mi tia Erasia X de Sabina X y toda su familia X y de X doña Maria de X Emilia X de   los mas finos recuerdos y escuanto por a ora[?] yo Clemente Torrez

y tambien te digo q no dejes des quribirme ysinos puedes azer fabor de benirte lo mas B [?] pronto que puedas


  Mr. Maximino Torrez,

my very dear brother of my greatest respect and affection, it will make me very happy if you are enjoying complete happiness with those around you when you have this letter in your very attentive hands. The one that is leaving us is says it’s very sad to tell you that my uncle Bictor passed away on the fifth of this month. And what you ask about my uncle Juan, he is very old and if you want to come to settle what I told you you know. And about what you ask about if I owe cents, I do owe money; I owe good money and if you can send me more money, send it to me send it to me so that I can pay all that I owe.

And receive greetings from my aunt Lola, from Santiago, from Ylarion, from Panfilo, from everyone, L… from my aunt Pachita, and from Blaz and from my aunt Erasia, from Sabina and all of her family, and from doña Maria, from Emilia, from Tomaza and from me, receive   the finest regards and this is all that for now. I, Clemente Torrez

also, tell you to not stop writing me and if you can do us the favor of coming back as soon as possible.