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Letter from Julia de Arroyo to Maximino Torres, March 18, 1926


  Huapamacato Mich. Mex. Sr. Magcimino Torrez Rocksprins, Wyo Muy Estimado Magcimino:

Derijo la presente para Saludarte desiando te yncuentres Sin ninguna nobedad Son mis gratos decseos nosotros bien asta la presente gracial al Criador.

Magcimino acuzo rresibo de tu atenta fecha 18 del pasado y contodo gusto doy Contestacion ahella que dando ynformada En que te encuentras bien asta aquella fecha es lo desiado y Espero que Esta te yncuentre mejor Me dises que tus deseos Son de que Clemente Se enseñe a escribir y al menos Su nombre era lo que también nosotros desiabamos pero yo pienso que esta muy trabajosa Su benida a Casa por que El no quiera, ho por que no lo dejen El cazo es que yo Creo no Se biene no lo Emos buelto a ber desde antes del 12 de Diciembre Medices que bas amandar las Medisinas yndicadas mucho te agradecere pero Si no las as puesto antes de que rrecibas Esta no me las   mandes por fabor por que me dise tu tio que no las Saca por que no tiene Con que Creo Cuesta mucho Sacar objetos que bienen por Correo asi que te Suplico no me mandes mejor nada que Cuesta por Sacarlas mas de lo que balen a qui es muy bandido El gobierno aqui Cada frasco bale 2. dos pesos y Seme hiso ami mas fasil mandarte desir a ti me hisieras favor de mandarte melas de alla por que tambien no Sabia lo que Costaba El Sacarlas y por Consiguiente Siempre aqui Son mucho mas Caras que alla

Cuando yo estaba alla beia en el periodico el balor de un peso Cada frasco asi que ya te digo yo que mas quisiera desiar a que me las mandaras pero que no me Costara nada ho alme nos una Cosa que fuera justa no tanto aun que algun dia te las ubiera pagado con alguna gratificacion de alguna Cosa pero no Se puede Como te digo Concepcion Se yncuentra bastante escazo de rrecursoz y me a de dar pena rregresarlas para tras. no Se te holbide gastar tu dinero trabajo que a ti te Cuesta mucho no lo tires en nada a qui en Megcico esta muy trabajoso para ganar un Sentabo rresibe muchos rrecuerdos de Concepcion de Filomena y de Mama Ruben y de Andrea tengo gusto en que aygas rrecebido El Bolo que te mande y deseo dartelo aunque sea de una Botella de mistela cuando bengas bente que siegas ay las cargas nomas de eso se be aora ya lo que desean es allar no por que te abias de quierer aser una de hellas pero y ate digo rresibe

El mas cresido afecto de tu tia que te apresia Julia F[?] de Arroyo


  Huapamacato, Michoacan Mexico Mr. Magsimino Torrez Rocksprings, Wyoming My Esteemed Magcimino

I write this letter to greet you wishing you are well and without bad news, such as is my wish. We are well as of today, thanks be to the Creator Thank God

Magcimino I received your kind letter dated on the 18th of last month and gladly reply, acknowledging receipt of the news that you were well as of that date, my wish and hope is that this finds you evenbetter. You tell me about your interest in having Clemente learn to write at least his name, this is what we would wish also, but I think it’s very difficult that he comes to live with us either because he doesn’t want to or because they will not let him, in any event I think he’s not coming. We haven’t seen him since before the 12th of December. You tell me you are going to send me the medicines that were prescribed to me and I will be very thankful if you do, but if you have not mailed them before you receive this please don’t   send them to me, because your uncle says that he cannot pick them up at the post office because he has no money to do so. I think it’s very expensive to pick up items that come through the mail, so I beg you, please don’t send me anything because it’s more expensive to pick up than what they’re worth. The government is full of bandits here. Every bottle is worth two pesos here, and it seemed easy to ask if you would do me the favor of sending them to me because I didn’t know how expensive it would be to pick them up, and thus, they are always more expensive here than there.

When I was over there I used to see in the paper that each bottle was worth one peso, so I tell you, how I would wish that you could send them and that they would not cost me a thing, or at least that they would cost something that was fair, not so expensive. Even though I would have paid you some day with some form of gratuity or something, but as I tell you, it’s not possible. Concepción is very scarce in resources and it would pain me to have to send them back. Don’t forget to spend your money, which you have worked so hard for, don’t waste it on anything. Here in México it’s very hard to earn a cent money. Receive warm regards from Concepción, from Filomena and from Mama Ruben and from Andrea. I’m glad you received the bolo token, souvenir or coin given by godparents to those present at a baptism that I sent you. I wish to give it to you in the form of a bottle of mistela sweet liqueurwhen you come. Come, and you can carry them with you. This is the only thing seen these days, what they want is to find them, not because you would want to get your hands on one bottle. And I tell you, receive the biggest warmest affection from your aunt who holds you in high esteem,

Julia de Arroyo