Huapamacato Mich Mex. Marzo.18-1926 Sr. Maxsimino Torrez Rock Springs. Mimuy Estimado primocongusto derijo las precentes Linias para saludarte en union de perzonas que te acompañen y cean contigo la que de nosotros cedespide unpoco buena no muy buena pero asi lo quiere y lo manda Dios
primo despues de saludarte cariñosamente acuso rresibo de tu muy atenta de fecha 28
del M.p.p. por la que estoy enterada de tu Buena salud y de lo que enella medices
que a memandastes las abujas las cuales no errecebido todabia nilas medecinas de Mama asique
no tedoy cuenta de ello.
y sobre hotro particular no puedo desirte nada por que por que no puedo contestarte
nada deloque en la tulla medices asique yo pueda te[?] contestare lo que amime parece locura túlla talbes tu no tenido que platicarme solo disparates
tubistes parami pero yo no los creo pobre de mi si yo me ubiera creido de las bonitas
fraces que hotros como tu me las desian home las escrebian no primo yo asta horita no epenzado dar
esepaso y muchomenos con unprimo como tu que aqui te sobran delas que atite gustan
te aseguro primo que te gustan mas que las que pudieran certe fieles
asi que por lo pronto yo no epenzado en unir mi corazon con ninguno noce cilo que
yo menos quiera me balla llegar la locura de casar con un primo pues no ansido mis
aspirasiones pero como tu sabes la lenga no tiene hueso y suele castigar cruelmente.
yo no puedo desir que no lo are eso solo Dios lo sabe y si del esta no abra quien
lo rremedie pero por lo pronto yo creo que no asies que no medigas nada entu contestasion por
que no quiero que mis padres centeren de tu prollexto[?] ni de loque tu me dises.
sin embargo yo te aconsejo que tebengas que aqui te sovraran buenas y bonitas y no biejas como yo.
y rresibe saludes de papa y Mama y de tu prima rrecibe el afecto de quien bien te quiere y te dece felicidades tu p.N.J.N.C.q.y q.S.S.
derije las anombre de papa
Huapamacato Michoacan Mexico March 18-1926 Mr. Maxsimino Torrez Rock Springs My very esteemed cousinI send you these lines with pleasure to greet you and those who might be with you ours joy health is leaving this letter that is leaving us and going toward you, and is somewhat good or not so good but so God wants and commands it
Cousin after greeting you I confirm receipt of your very kind letter dated on the 28th of last month in which I learn of your good health and in which you tell me that you sent me the needles, which I haven’t received, nor mama’s medicines, so I cant confirm receipt of those.
And about the other matter I can’t tell you anything because because I can’t answer anything you say it seems a folly of yours only nonsense you had for me but I don’t believe it poor me if I had believed the beautiful phrases that others like you have told or written me. No cousin, until now I have not considered taking that step, least of all with a cousin like you. There are plenty of women here such as the ones you like. I am sure you that you like them would like themmore that those that could be faithful to you.
So for now I have not given any thought to joining my heart with anyone. I don’t know if what I least want will come to me and I may become affected with the folly of wanting to marry a cousin, because these have never been my aspirations, but as you know, the tongue has no bones and it is a cruel punisher. I cannot say that I will not do it, because only God knows, and if He wants it no one will remedy it but for now I don’t think so, so don’t tell me anything about this in your reply because I don’t want my parents to find out about your project or about what you tell me.
Nonetheless my advice to you is that you come back, here you will have plenty of young and pretty women not old women like me.
And receive regards from father and mother and from your cousin receive the affection of her who loves you and wishes you happiness your p.N.J.N.C.q.y q.Faithfully yours,
Send them in care of father