
mi mui atenta y cariñosa mama yo me a le grare que alresibo de estos tres 3 rin glones se in cuentren sino bedad que la que de mi se des pide es buena grasias a dios
pues mama des pues de saludarlos conel cariño de siempre ledigo losigete pues antes de platicarle al guna cosas que me pasan primero le doi los sentimientos porque nomea esqürito quizás en nal guna cosa la ofendí pero siasies perdoname mamita no lo ise adrede pongatension alo que mepasa mama no se inmajina enla con fusión que llo me encuentro le boi a

platicar como de y de que manera me encuentro made berguensa desirle qüiero que meaga fabor de pres
tarme 15 pesos oro para yrme de juchipila me atitulan que llo estaba ena morando una
mujer casada noes sierto pero tanto y tanto senpeso a de sir asta que llego a oídos
del marido y yn[?] mediantemente casila mato ale ñasos y diai seria como al peso[?] de media noche lle garon el marido dela señora y un ermano queriendo me disque me
matar no me mataron porque no qüisieron llo que iba aser para dos pero se que dice
que como dios lede lisensia no mes capo no quiere a

mas que lo grar una upurtunidad de in contrarme solo en nun lugar donde naiden sedecuenta a si me platico un amigo que el tiene de sus confiansas pues mama llo no lo qureo pero nilo dudo tanpoco considerando que son unos casos[?] de desgreñarse u no ya de mas de eso medisen que meretire de mi pueblo que para que mañana o cuando meballa aen felisar[?] conel oel con migo mama biendo llo esto algo de motibo que di[?] y llo que tengo ganas de salir me[?] llo mama mi salida es para ca con Ud Sea que pueda permanecer aqüi con ustedes o sea que me echen para fuera

Porque se que esta mui trabajoso para llo[?] mi gusto es mama de conocerlos aus tede yustedes que me conoscanami sea que dure undia sea que dure 2 lo mis mo quelle gare en nun mes o llegare en dos no se la suerte que me toque lo que si le digo mama que no me deje de la mano qüiero que me aga ese favor conlo que pueda y en lo que pueda si enesta vida no le pago abersi en lotra mi dilasion[?] de salir es que me conteste Ud
Saludes para chui y santitos re siba saludes demi esposa para todos mes quri con la direision esta calle rosales numero 63 es cuanto Jesus Samaniego


my very gracious and loving mother, mom I will be happy if these three few lines find you without news well, this letter leaves me well, thank God.
Well mother, after greeting you with the same love as always I tell you the following, but before telling you about what is happening to me, I’ll tell you that I’m sad because you haven’t written to me. I may have offended you in some way. If this is the case, please forgive me mom mommy mother, because it wasn’t on purpose. Now pay attention to what is happening to me mom, you can’t imagine the confusion in which I find myself. I’m going to

tell you how and in which manner I find myself. I feel ashamed embarrassed to ask you to do me the favor of lending me 15 pesos to leave Juchipila. They accuse me of courting a married woman. It’s not true, but it’s been repeated so much that word got to the husband and he almost killed her by hitting her with a log. And from there, the husband and one brother of his arrived around midnight saying they wanted to kill me. They didn’t kill me because they didn’t want to, because what could I do against two? But it’s being said that he is saying that if God allows it I will not escape. He wants no more

than to get the opportunity to find me alone in a place where no one finds out, this is what a trusted friend of his told me. Well, mom, I don’t believe it, but I don’t doubt it either, considering the cases that these are the type of cases sometimes involve pulling someone’s hair fighting. I’m told to leave my town so that I don’t get into a fight with him or he with me. Mom, seeing all this I may have given him some motive Gives me motive to leave And I want to leave. My departure is towards here to be herewith you here in Colorado, with you. Whether I can remain here with you, or whether I’m returned deported

Because I know it’s very difficult for me. My desire My wish is to get to know you, and for you to get to know me. Whether it lasts a day or two, and whether it takes me a month or two to arrive, depending on my luck. What I do ask of you, mom, is not to abandon me. I ask you to help me with what you can and in any way you can, and if I cannot repay you in this lifetime, maybe I will be able to in the next. The delay in my departure is I'm waiting for your response.
Give my regards to Chuy Jesus and Santitos Baby Santos. Receive regards from my wife for everybody. Pleasewrite to me at this address: Rosales street 63. This is all that Jesus Samaniego