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Letter from Guadalupe Flemate to Jesusita Baros Torres, December 20, 1940


  Juchipila Sra Eliboria Flemate

mi muy estimada hermana te dirijo la presente para saludarte y al mismo tiempo para desirte que resebí tu carta en la cual me dises que estas bien tu y tus hijos la que de mi se despide me deja bien gracias a dios pues hermana as de dispensarme la tardanza en contestar tu carta en ella benia un peso y estoy resebida del de tu encargo no tengas pendiente comadre en esta te digo que mi tia Gracia esta en agonía te mando decir para que rueges a dios por ella que es muy difícil su alivio llo creo que ala hotra carta tedigo de su muerte comadre me da mucha pena contigo que te contesto tus cartas a los dos otres meses pero te boy a desir salgo tan cansada del trabajo que tengo ya[?] me boy a descansar y seban pasando los dias y lla cuando menos acuerdo lla se paso el tiempo si vieras que estar atendiendo a los clientes unos porque seban hotros porque llegan la cosa es de que no descanza uno las desveladas cuando llegan en la noche señora un cuarto cuando uno esta mas agusto en su cama alla ba uno a dar camas llo te digo comadre que llame canse de este trabajo pero que ago pues   Si no lo hago asi de trabajar en mi hotel de ay saco para la nanutencion tengo dos criadas julia nuestra hermana y otra en el quiaser de la cosina pues hermana llo te aseguro que si no debiera por dios que lla no trabajaba pero lo que saco delas tieritas que tocaron Irma[?] para pagar las drogas que me che cuando peliamos llo y Camilo mi segundo marido que dios no le tome en cuenta al muy ingrato lo que me esploto me alcanzo la perdida con ese marido con dos mil pesos lla no mas debo 800 pesos a mauro quesada bueno hermana lla te platice los sufrimientos de la vida que si te platico lo que e sufrido es una ystoria mi vida

resibe saludes de julia nuestra hermana bieras ques una mujer buena para ella todo es temporal dales mis recuerdos a Santos a jesus y tu recibe los mas finos recuerdos de tu hermana quien no te holbida bueno asta la vuelta de correo Guadalupe Flemate
  Sra. Jesusita Baros P.O. box 481 Fort Lupton. Colo JUCHIPILA

  Si no es entregada debuelbase a
Guadalupe Flemate
Hotel Saragosa


  Juchipila Mrs. Eliboria Flemate

My highly esteemed sister, I write this letter to greet you and to let you know that I received your letter, in which you tell me that you and your children are well. This letter leaves me well, thank God.

Well, sister, you will forgive the delay in my response. In it I found one peso, and I confirm its receipt. Don’t worry about your request, comadre. In this letter I tell you that my aunt Gracia is in agony dying. I’m letting you know so that you may pray to God on her behalf because her recovery is very difficult unlikely I think I will tell you about her death in the my next letter. Comadre, I am very embarrassed with you because I answer your letters two or three months later, but I will tell you something: I am so tired when I finish work that I go directly to rest and the days keep going by and when I come to notice time has flown by. Let me tell you that taking care of clients, some because they leave, other because they arrive, the thing is that you don’t rest. All the late nights,‘miss, a room’, just when you are most comfortable in your own bed, you have to get up to assign other people's beds. I tell you, comadre, that I’m tired of this work I do, because   If I don’t do it, if I don’t work in my hotel, there’s where I earn money to support myself. I have two servants in charge of kitchen duties: Julia, our sister, and another one. Well, sister, I tell you that if I were not in debt, by God I would not work anymore, but what I earn from the land small amount that were left to goes to should go to Irma paying the debt that I was left with after fighting with Camilo, my second husband. May God not judge him, the ingrate, on the way he exploited me. With that husband the loss amounted to two thousand pesos. Now I only owe 800 pesos to Mauro Quesada. Well, sister, now I’ve told you about all my life’s suffering. If I were to tell you all that I have suffered, my life is quite a story.

Receive regards from our sister Julia, let me tell you that she is a good woman. For her, everything is temporary. Give my regards to Santos, to Jesus, and receive the finest regards from your sister who does not forget you. Well, until the mail comes until your next letter until my next letter Guadalupe Flemate