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Letter from Maximino Torres to Jesus Samaniego, June 8, 1977


  Sr. Jesus Samaniego

Te escribo esta para decirte tu mama murio ase poco tiempo no te abia escrito por que estaba muy mal yo tambien y no ayaba el domicilio y tambien le escribÍ a demecio quien sabe si benga o no tu mama me dijo que les escribiera a todos sus hijos yo necesito un poco de Uds. para poderme defender de tu medio hermano Jesus si por dado caso no puedes benir me escribes por favor tambien te digo que Jesus se cre el unico hijo y nos el unico tu mama tenia mas de 1000 pesos y todo lo agaro el y ba a benir mi hermano Clemente   y quiero con la ayuda de Uds. aber que arelamos yo me encuentro muy enfermo y no puedo andar aqui estoy con el que me esta cuidando por que no puedo aser nada

recibe saludes mias y me contesas pronto Maximino Torres
  Maximino Torres 814 Pacific Street Fort Lupton, Colorado 80621 Jesus Samaniego Lista de Correo Mexicali B.C. Mexico





  Mr. Jesus Samaniego

I write you this letter to let you know that your mom died recently. I haven’t written before because I’ve been very ill myself and I couldn’t find your address. I’ve also written to Demecio, who knows if he will come or not. Your mom asked me to write to all of her children. I need a little bit of your help to defend myself from your half brother Jesus. If you can’t come for some reason, please write to me. I’ll also tell you that Jesus thinks that he is believes himself to be acts like the only son, and he is not. Your mom had more than 1000 pesos and he took it all. My brother Clemente was going to come is going to come   And, with you all’s help, let’s see how we can fix solve this. I am very ill and can’t walk. I’m here with the man who takes care of me, because I can’t do anything by myself.

Receive my regards and reply quickly Maximino Torres