ft, Lupton colo 1 Querida hijala presente es para saludarte tanto á ti como á tu espezo, y los niños; recivi tu
carta Grndmother Card que mando Billy boy; ojala y esten buenos aliviados,
pues que ya estan trabajando aquí Max; y siempre se entretiene un en el trabajo de la casa;
pero me dijo Helen que tenia mucho gusto, porque iba á tener una nueba hayjada, y la Kathy dise es una siter; pues que bueno; á ella le gustan mucho los babys parese; y tambíen me dijo que ban á benir para aca ft, Lupton;
pues ya haora se; para no rentar los cuartos; saves que me dilate poquito en no contestarte, porque estube muy mala; si deveras que estube mala; pues sabes que todos los días devo de tomar pildoras, y se me acabaron, y yo
2pense que ya estaba bien; y me pase un día sín tomarlas y en la noche, recorde hojandome no podia ni resoyar, y casí ní ablar; recorde como á las once y media de la noche;
y así estube, asta las tres de la mañana, que Max fue con jess; á ablarle; que yo estaba muy mala; entonces jeess, telefonío á Doctor, á Federico porque el es el que me esta curando, y vino como á las 4, ½ de la mañana y me dío un chat, y pildoras; y pues haora estoy muy bien gracías á Diosito Lindo;
pero sí ya me andaba con la muerte; pero no te apenes; pues haora ya estoy bien; diejo
el Doctr; que me yebaran al Hospila; no mas á darme una exc. exsaminasion; aber que es lo que me pasa; pues haora me ban á llevar el Sabado 6,
de June sí me hayan mala mucho pues me dejaran una ó 2, semanas
no mas yo creo, pues ya me siento muy bien poreso te digo que no te vayas á peñar;
max ,trabajando y yo pienso que esto sera todo, muchos recuerdos para todos, de max, jesse, y family de mi tu mamá que te deseo muchas felisidades.
dise Kethy que sí quiere ir para ya pero que su mamá no la deja el Jerry anda trabajando, pues ojala y el Billy boy quisiera venirse aqui con nosotros, ya ay mucho betabel; max ande aqui con el japons; tiene 20, acres aqui esta muy serquitas de la casa;
bueno hija te deseo siempre bien en todo tu mamá que quisiera estar estar sequitas de Uds; Jesusita B. Torresrecive tu Bendición
Ft. Lupton, Colorado 1 Dear daughterthis letter is to greet you you, your husband and the kids. I received your Grandmother Card that Billy boy sent me. I hope you are well and feeling better.
Well, Max is working here now, and there is always work around the house.
But Helen told me that she is very pleased because she will have a new goddaughter, and Kathy says it’s a sister, how nice. It seems like she likes babies a lot. And she also told me that you are coming here to Fort Lupton,
well now I know, so I won’t rent out the rooms. You know, it took me a little while to respond to you because I have been very sick; I was truly sick. You know that I have to take pills every day and I ran out, and I
2thought I was alright, and I didn’t take them for a day and that night I woke up gasping and I couldn’t even breathe, and I almost couldn’t speak. I woke up about 11:30 that night,
and I was like that until three in the morning when Max went to tell Jess that I was very sick. So then Jess called the doctor, Federico, because he is taking care of me. He came around about 4:30 in the morning and gave me a shot and pills, and now I’m very well, thanks to my loving God,
but yes I almost died. But don’t worry, because now I’m well. The doctor told them to take me to the hospital for an examination to find out what’s wrong with me, so now they’re taking me on Saturday, June 6, and if they find me really ill they will leave me there only one or two weeks
3I think, because now I feel really well, so I tell you, don’t trouble yourself.
Max is working and I think this will be all for now. Many regards Warm regards Love for all, from Max, Jesse and family, and from me, your mother who wishes you much happiness.
Kathy says that she does want to visit you but that her mom wont let her, and Jerry is working. I wish Billy boy would like to come here with us. There is a lot of beet now. Max is working here with the Japanese; he has 20 acres that are very close to the house.
Well daughter, I wish you always blessings in everything, your mom who wishes she could be closer to you all, Jesusita B. TorresReceive my blessing.