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Letter from Jesusita Baros Torres to Santos Baros Schubert, September 17, 1962


  page 1. ft Lupton Colo mí muy Querida híja,

la precente es para Saludarlos á todos Uds; Deceandoles que esten buenos; así como nosotros estamos. pues Gracías á Díocito Lindo;[?] que es tambueno;

bueno despues de Saludarlos; te dire lo siguiente que tube jente, otra bes, bino la Aurelia en esta bes vino el en la mañana y se fue asta en la tarde, tube mucho gusto, y me díjo que iba á venír en Sep 28; porque dise que ya se ba para Albuquerque, new mex; que ba á venir la Tea, tu Saves se yama Dorothea, pero le disen la Tea; y su esposo. y Frances, y la Aurelia; que bienen por ella; para yebarsela, para new mex.

y tambíen te platicare que el   page 2. jerry escríbío á >mi no pero á la Helen, y al jessee, dise la Helen le manda unas cartas muy tristes, que lo ponen á lavar traztes; y lo regañan mucho, y asta le dan patadas; pero dise jess, que es porque no ase lo que le mandan; y por eso lo ponen á labar los traztes; y dise que muchos traztes lo ponen en la mañana; como á las 8.A.M. y asta las 3;P.M. de la tarde; y luego para el que es tan flojo; pues se le ase un grande zacrifízío:

bueno tambien te platicare que aquí ya ello elo pues ya no ay tomate, uno que otro que se faboresío abajo de las matas bueno pues nos quedamos sin tomates, pues yo no porque tengo del año pasado; poco no mucho

  page 3

pues te platicare tambíen del papel de la seguro G Socíal Jesus escríví al ecenso tu saves al ecenso del año 1930 tubo que mandar $4.00 porque cobraron por hojear el líbro pues aber que pasa;

ó y tambien te dire que me digas que es lo que quíere el Bílly boy para su día de su Santo que no dilata es en Octubre 2; ¿que no? tu dime.

bueno hija; pues yo creo que esto sera todo por esta ves: muchos recuerdos á los niños; de nosotros y tambien de jess y famylía y max; y de tu mama, que los aprecía y les deceo muchas felecídadez recíví mis Bendícíones de tu mamá jesusita B. Torres.


  page 1. Ft. Lupton Colorado My dearest daughter,

this letter is to greet all of you; wishing that you all are well, as we are, thanks to our loving God, who is so good.

Well, after greeting you all I will tell you next that I had company the other day. Aurelia came, and this time she came in the morning and stayed until the evening. I was very happy. And she told me that she’s coming on September 28, because she says she’s leaving for Albuquerque, NM. She told me that Tea is coming. You know, her name is Dorothea, but they call her Tea, and her husband, and Frances, and Aurelia, They are coming to take her to NM.

And I will also I tell you that   page 2. Jerry wrote. Not to me, but to Helen and Jesse. Helen says that he sends her very sad letters, that they make him do the dishes, that they scold him a lot and even kick him, but Jess says that it’s because he doesn’t do as he is told, and that’s why they make him do dishes. And he Jerry says that there are many dishes. That they put him to work in the morning, about 8 am, until about 3 pm in the afternoon. And for him, who is so lazy, it feels like it’s a big sacrifice.

Well, I will also tell you that there are no tomatoes left. Only the few that survived under other plants, so we were left without tomatoes. Well not me, because I have some from last year, but not much

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Well, I will tell you also about the social security document. Jesús wrote to the Census. You know, the 1930 census. He had to send in $4.00 because they charged to look in the book. We’ll see what happens.

Oh, and I will also ask you to tell me what Billy boy wants for his birthday saint's say It’s October 2 isn’t it? You tell me.

Well daughter, well I think this wil be all for now. Many regards Much love to the kids from us and also from Jess and his family, and from Max. And from your mom, who loves you and who wishes you all much happiness. Receive my blessings, from your mom Jesusita B. Torres.