Albuquerque n. mex. may.14.1939 Mrs. Jesusita Baros.ase días que résiví tu carta en la cual tube muncho gusto al saver que estan Buenos que la salu que yo paso es Buena porlo que Doy Gracas a Díos
hoy ase dos años que te fueits a las 310 PM que me quede solo en el mundo. crying for you pues díos[?] ase todo estó[?] pues este es el papel que me mandetes y tembían me díses de ( 2) la Rosa de víente se acaso con un que es Delfin Montorno pues probe Vicente tenbien Florencio [?] este apunte de la adelida la de el Viseno Luís. yo mo los albo pues a notche mataron a un Biseno miyo en monte carlo en William street pues ora temben te díre que no va jente de aquí para calardo, naiden el Gorverno no dega ir jente de este estado para ya ít ís raíning ( 3 ) very hard, son las 9 de la notche hay bloomy.
cuando eramos a parke de la 4th street yo creo que tu no te acurdes de nada yo se por que día día estoy a quí y miro tu ratrato yo creo que tu no mires el mio todo lus cartes que tu me asi escrito yo las tengo todas pues saludos a lu S y J de el Tío [?] pude que ya no acurden de mí pues corazon[?] te dire que que va en tríe la (4) uníon en el shop. Ora pronto esta Bueno es Bueno. pues mí hermno Jose no entra el shop toda via es muy poca jente trabajando el savado tubemos[?] lay off. 10 personas . cen save como se ponga el trabajo pues corazon[?] no te escribo mas esta orta vista[?]
Contestas pronto corazon[?] y saludes a S & J y tub resves el Corazon[?] de FV contesta ponto [?] Lucía [?] soy FV816 n new arno
alb n mex.
MAY 18
12 M
Albuquerque, New Mexico May 14, 1939 Sra. Jesusita Baros,I got your letter several days ago and was very happy to learn that you are all healthy, for which I thank God.
Today it’s been two years since you left at 3:10 pm and I was left alone in the world, crying for you. Well, God does these things. This is the paper you sent me and you also tell me about (2) Vicente’s Rosa, who married a guy named Delfin Montorno Montoro, poor Vicente. Also Florencio [?] this note newsclipping about neighbor Luis’ Adelaida. I’m not speaking to them because last night they killed one of my neighbors at the Monte Carlo on Willam Street. Well, I will also tell you that no one from here is going to Colorado. The government is not letting people from this state go over there. Está lloviendo (3) mucho. Hasta ahorita, 9 de la noche, hay hay bloomy gloomy.
When we were at the park on 4 th street I think you don’t remember anythin I do because day after day I’m here and I look at your portrait and I think you don’t look at mine. All your letters that you have written to me I keep them all. Well, regards to S and J from uncle [?] it’s possible that they won’t remember me. Well, sweetheart, I will tel you that the (4) union is coming in to the shop. It will be soon now. It’s all right, it’s good. Well, my brother José is not in the shop yet. We have very few people working. On Saturday we had layoffs. Ten people. Who knows how things will get at work. Well, sweetheart, I won’t write more until next time.
Reply soon sweetheart, and say hello to S & J, and you receive the heart of FV. Write soon J Lucia [?] I am FV816 N New Arno
Albuquerque, New Mexico