
Querida ñieta, la presente es para Saludarte, tanto á ti, á tu papá, y tu mamá; y á todos los demas. de la familia,
bueno hígíta, despues de saludarte te digo lo siguiente
Espero que esten bíen, así son mís deceos que esten todos con Salud. yo estamos bíen es por lo que le doy Gracías á Díos; pues
te dire que recíví mucho gusto, al ver que me escríbíeron tu mamá, y tu tambíen, pues
ya tenían desde Novem que no me escríbían; ní tu ní tu mama, sí; para Cristhmas resiví
unas cosas que tu mama nos mando; pero ní una sola letra de Uds; bueno pues yo no
me siento bíen cuando no se nada de Uds; bueno pues tanbíen me platicas algo del Billy
boy, pues
siempre te agradesco mucho, me dígas algo
que les de lo que les pase ojala y salga todo bíen, pues yo síempre rezo por Uds; que mi
Diosito los ayude, y el Angel Santo de su Guarda los cuíde y los yebe por buen Camíno: pero Uds tíenen que rezarle, y pedírle alluda, primeramente á Díosito
que por el vivemos en el mundo. no ser malcríados ni con papá ní con mamá.
bueno tambien me dises que el ya no quíere ir á la Escuela, pues mira higita; yo les diré que en estos tiempos la Educasíon es muy buena porque con Educasíon, donde quíera agaran buenos trabagos, buen dinero; y el que no tíene Educasíon pues trabaga uno como un burro, y no gana nada; díle que no se dege ganar de la Kathy ella sí esta en el collegío, ya tíene 2, años, y dise que sí le gusta el collegío.

bueno pues aqui le mando á la jane su Birthday cart dale un abrazo y un besíto por mí, tu recíve el Corazon de tus aguelitos y un fino recuerdo, bueno; contestame por favor hígíta no me tengan cuídado;
Jesusita Torres 814. Pacífc ave ft, Lupton Colo,Translation

Dear granddaughter, this letter is to greet you, your dad father and your mom mother and everyone else in the family.
Well my child, after greeting you I will tell you the following.
I hope that you are all well, as my wishes are that you are all in good health. We
are all well, for which I thank God. I will let you know that it made me very happy
to see that your mom and you wrote to me, because you had not written since November.
Not your mom or you. Yes, for Christmas I did receive some things that your mom sent
us, but not even one line letter from either of you. Well, I feel bad when I don’t hear anything from you. Well, it’s
good that you tell me something about Billy Boy, I truly appreciate
that you tell me something about what’s going on with all of you. I hope everything
turns out all right, because I always pray for all of you, so that my sweet God will
help you, and that the Holy Guardian Angel will keep you and guide you on a good path.
But you all have to pray and ask for help too. First to God, through whom we live on this earth.
And don’t misbehave with your dad or your mom.
Well, you tell me that he doesn’t want to go to school anymore. Look my little child, I will tell you both allthat in these times pursuing an education is very good because with an education you can get a good job anywhere, earn good money. And without an education you have to work like a donkey and don’t earn anything. Tell him not to let himself be outdone by Kathy. She is in college and has studied for two years already. She says she likes college.

well, I’m sending Jane her birthday card here. Give her a hug and a little kiss from me. And for you, receive the heart of your grandparents and our finest regards.
Please answer me, my little child, don’t leave me worried. Jesusita Torres814. Pacífc ave ft, Lupton Colo,

MAR 14

Dear granddaughter, this letter is to greet you, your dad and your mom and everyone else in the family.
Well my child, after greeting you I will tell you the following.
I hope that you are all well, as my wishes are that you are all in good health. We are all well, for which I thank God.
I will let you know that it made me very happy to see that your mom and you wrote
to me, because you had not written since November. Not your mom or you. Yes, for Christmas
I did receive some things that your mom sent us, but not even one line from either
of you. Well, I feel bad when I don’t hear anything from you. Well, it’s good that
you tell me something about Billy Boy, because
I truly appreciate. that you tell me something about what’s going on with all of you.
I hope everything turns out allright, because I always pray for all of you, so that
my sweet God will help you, and that the Holy Guardian Angel will keep you and guide
you on a good path. But you all have to pray and ask for help too. First to God, through
whom we live on this earth. And don’t misbehave with
your dad or your mom. Well, you tell me that he doesn’t want to go to school anymore.
Look my little child, I will tell you that in these times pursuing an education is very good because with an education you can get a good job anywhere,
earn good money. And without an education you have to work like a donkey and don’t
earn anything. Tell him not to let himself be outdone by Kathy. She is in college
and has studied for two years already. She says she likes college.

Well, I’m sending Jane her birthday card here. Give her a hug and a little kiss from me. And for you, receive the heart of your grandparents and our finest regards. Please answer me, my little child, don’t leave me worried.
Jesusita Torres 814. Pacífc Ave., Fort Lupton, Colorado