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Letter from Gloria J. Botello to Santos Baros Schubert, December 30, 1976


  Mi Muy Estimada Sra.

Le escribo estos cuantos renglones con el fin de saludarla en Compañía de su Esposo E hijos deseando esten con salud son mis deseos Nosotros bien Gracias a Dios

Sra. me dio mucho gusto de que se ayga acordado de nosotros muchas gracias por su tarjeta que me mando, dispense que yo no le mande, pero no he podido salir, yo no estoy trabajando aquí estoy en la casa con Don Max me esta pagando 30 dolares por semana, el a estado un poco malo sí se alivia yo creo que voy a trabajar en la florería pero ay sra dentro de unas semanas Primera mente Dios y que se componga Mí esposo esta trabajando en la florería.

Bueno Sra. Santos saludeme mucho a su Esposo e hijos. y que Pasen un Feliz Año Nuevo   son las deseos de su Amiga que la Aprecia. Gloria G. Botello

Reciban saludos de Silvia y de mi Esposo. Para todos ustedes

Sra cuando biene siquera para verla tengo muchas ganas de platicar con usted.

Saludos de Don Max.


  My highly esteemed lady Mrs.Madam

I am writing you these few lines in order to greet you, together with your husband and children, wishing you well. We are well, thank God.

Mrs. I really liked that you remembered us, thank you very much for the postcard that you sent me. Excuse pardon that I’m not sending you one, but I haven’t been able to go out. I’m not working. I’m here at home with Mr. Max. He’s paying me 30 dollars a week, he has been feeling unwell. If he gets better, I’m going to work in the flower shop, but that will be in a few weeks. God will tell, and only if he gets better. My husband is working in the flower shop.

Well, Mrs. Santos greet your husband and children for me, and I wish you a Happy New Year.   These are the wishes from your friend, that appreciates you. Gloria G. Botello

Receive greetings from Silvia and from my husband for all of you.

Mrs. when are you coming so that I can see you. I so wish to speak with you.

Regards from Mr. Max.

  Mrs Gloria G. Botello 814 Pacific Ave Fort. Lupton Colorado 80 Mrs Santos. Schubert 3830 C St. Lincoln, Nebr 68510 FORT LUPTON. CO
DEC [?]





  My highly esteemed Lady,

I am writing you these few lines in order to greet you, together with your husband and children, wishing you well. We are well, thank God.

Mrs. I really liked that you remembered us, thank you very much for the postcard that you sent me. Excuse that I’m not sending you one, but I haven’t been able to go out. I’m not working. I’m here at home with Mr. Max. He’s paying me 30 dollars a week, he has been feeling unwell. If he gets better, I’m going to work in the flower shop, but that will be in a few weeks. Good will tell, and only if he gets better. My husband is working in the flower shop.

Well, Mrs. Santos greet your husband and children for me, and I wish you a Happy New Year.   These are the wishes from your friend, that appreciates you. Gloria G. Botello

Receive greetings from Silvia and from my husband for all of you.

Mrs. when are you coming so that I can see you. I so wish to speak with you.

Regards from Mr. Max.