
con gusto y placer derijo las precentes linias para saludarte desiando que esta tealle sin novedad son mis deceos que la que yo y mitio y familia gosamos es un po mal y porahora algo vien por boluntad de Dios.
hermano despues de saludarte cariñozamente teago saber que en mi poder esta grata
de fecha 8 del precente mes viendo enella que teallas con salud delo que tengo vastante
gusto que tencuentres con salud y yote ago saber que eestado enfermo cerca de un mes
y ace po menos de cuatro dias que me ele vantado y ahora estoy de combalesiente y
yo desiaria que sitienes y puedes mandarme $20.00 veinte pesos horo cera una cosa
delas que mucho te agradecera poraun siempre tu hermano que falto de salud cencuentra
ahora y que emberdad estriste y rreferente a nuestra situasion pues es berdad quees
triste por que nos ace falta lo que mas puede uno adorar y apresiar en este mundo
que es nuestros padres y rreferente ala pregunta que tu meaces de mi tio pues te digo
el dice que sitiene que ir adar una buelta sidios le presta bida y salud auncuando
el dice que no sabe cuando por que tu lla bes que abeses no cepuede decir cuanando
por que queda mal
y te manda desir mi tio que si sabes de la direcsion de Antonio Soria leagas fabor
de mandarcela y silo ves que celo saludes y a Eduardo tambien y al mayordomo.
y de facundo que estabien que sillegas aberlo que le digas ho que si tu sabes de la Direcsion cela mandes y dice mitio que si alguien ceacuerda del por vien que celos saludes y rrecibe saludes y saludes de mitio y de Julia y Filomena. y de mi tio Antonio y familia y de mi tio Crispin y familia y de tu hermano rresibe 3 abrazos y el corazon de tu hermano que te decea bien [?] felicidades tu
S.S.Clemente Torrez.

with much joy and pleasure I send you these lines to greet you, hoping that this finds you well, these are my wishes. Because my and my uncle’s and his family’s health has been a little bad, but we are well for now, thank God.
Brother, after greeting you affectionately, I will let you know that I have in my possession the letter dated on the eighth of this month, and I read in it that you are in good health. I will let you know that I’ve been sick close to a month now, and only in the past four days I’ve been able to get out of bed. I am now recuperating, and I would like to ask if you have and can send me $20.00 twenty pesos gold, it would be something that I would be appreciated forever by your brother who is ill. Now it’s truly sad about our situation because we are lacking that which one could most adore and appreciate in the world, which is our parents, and about what you ask me about my uncle, I can tell you that he says that he does have to go if God grants him and life and health, even though he says that he doesn’t know when because as you know sometimes one can’t say when because one can’t follow through

My uncle wants to ask that if you know Antonio Soria’s address if you can please send it to him. And that if you see him that you give him his regards and to Eduardo and the foreman too. And that Facundo is well and that if you see him that you tell him or that if you have his address that you send it to him, and my uncle says that if anyone remembers him well fondly to say hello from him. Receive greetings from my uncle, and Julia and Filomena. And from my uncle Antonio and family, and from my uncle Crispin and family, and from your brother receive three hugs and the heart of your brother who wishes you well happiness joys your
Faithfully yours, Clemente Torrez.