Albuquerque N. Mex Aug.29.1937. Mrs. Jesusita Barosresivi tu carta con fetcha 17[?]
2Y me dejastes[?] solo, o sera por
[?]quienes yo te disiía
que tu no esta sola. ora yo no se se queries ber a mi hemus[?] en el dipo o no. o diserle que ira para tu casa no se de cerito ellos estan que van ir el dia 3. pues la casa esta lo mismo sin nove[?] a rantar[?]
a J y a Santos pueda qué algún dia se acuerden que tienen un tío en Albuquerque y tu resives el Corazon de el, negro flaco de Albuquerque que no te olbia un momento ase tres 15 dias que te fuites a las 310 de la tarta may.14.310 pm [?]
TRANS. [?]
Albuquerque New Mexico August 29, 1937 Mrs. Jesusita BarosI received your letter dated 17 [?]
2And you left me you told me alone only or it might be
whom I told you
that you are not alone. Now, I don’t know if you want to see hemus at the depot or not. To tell himher to go that he will go that she will go to your house I don’t know for sure they are thinking of going on the 3rd . Well, the house is as it was, without news to rent
J and Santos may one day remember that they have an uncle in Albuquerque and you receive his heart the heart of him, black darkand skinny from Albuquerque who doesn’t forget you for a moment it’s been three 15 days since you left at 310 in the afternoon May.14.310 pm