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Carta de Felipita N. Baca a Jesusita Baros Torres, 21 de enero, 1939


  Albuquerque N. Mex. Mrs. Jesusita Baros

Mi muy estimada comadre espero que esta carta los allen buenos Nosotros estamos buenos Gracias a Dios. Después de saludarla comadre le dire que isimos su encargo de ir a la casa de corte a preguntar por su tax si estava pagado. Pero comadre usted no me mando a disir en que nombre estava yo le dije a Eduado que preguntara por Jesusita Rodrigues porque usted pienso que asi coria aqui Primero fue en donde se asenan por que este es el ultimo mes pa asesar pregunto por Jesusita Rodrigues y no la allaron y fue a la Jasasinos[?] y tan poco y lo dio el numero de la casa donde vivia 8162 n. arno[?] y ese es Faustin Villanueva de donde esta esa casa. Ay le dijieron que tenia que llevar el return pa poder saber quien es y poderla ayar. Cuando se asesan una praopiedad le dan un paper Amarillo. ese mandenos usted. le nombran el return. O un papel que aiga pagado su tax. Mandenolo pa aqua


Nosotros isinos lo posible pero por otra jente no llevando uno un papel no la incuentran será porque no se quieren molestar usted sabe como son de malos en la casa de corte Pero nosotros estamos pa aser por usted comadre no mas mandenos a disir en que nombre esta o con un papel que usted tenga. No se descuide conmadre que dicen que en 3 anos de atrasada él tax pierden su propiedad. Don Faustin tenia que avele mandado a usted el papel que pago el tax. No se crea en emprestarle[?] dinero el esta trabajando y muy buenisano el tiene mucho mas en donde pidir que a usted. El nos conto aqui que estaba muy bien con su familia que avia dejado las borracheras. En esta casa que usted vivía no vive naiden. Nosotros tuvimos mucho gusto de saber con la carta de el Chuy que area el coro[?] y tiene gallinos y conejos Pues espero que la pasen muy agusto.

Con esto siero mi carta esperando su contesta Para aserle su favor. sin mas si comadre que le desella felesidades. Mrs. Felipita N. Baca 1006 1/2 n. arno st. Albuquer n. mx.
  Mrs Jesusita Baros c/o Bil Kennedy Rout 3 Longmont Colorado. ALBUQUERQUE
JAN 21
330 PM


  Albuquerque N. Mex. Mrs. Jesusita Baros

My very dear comadre, I hope that this letter finds you well. We are in good health, thank God. After greeting you comadre, I will tell you that we did as you asked us and went to the courthouse to ask if your taxes were paid. But comadre, you didn’t tell us under which name it the property was. I told Eduardo to ask under the name Jesusita Rodrigues, because I think that’s the name under which you ran here the name you used here. He first went to where they assess them, because this is the last month to have them assessed. He asked under Jesusita Rodrigues and they didn’t find you, and he went to the Jasasinos Tasasinos and they couldn’t find you either. He gave the number address of the house in which you lived, 8162 N. Arno, and it’s Faustin Villanueva where that house is at and Faustin Villanueva is listed for that address. They told him there that he had to bring the return in order to know who you were, so they could find you. When they assess a property they give you a yellow piece of paper. Send us that paper. They call it a return. Or any document that proves that you have paid your taxes. Send it here to us


We did what we could, but for other people, without a piece of paper document they don't won't can't find you. Maybe it’s because they don’t want to bother. You know how bad the people at the courthouse are. But we are here to act on your behalf to help you, comadre. Just send us word of the name under which it your property is registered, or any document that you have. Don’t neglect this, comadre, because they say that if you fall behind on your taxes for three years you lose your property.

Don Faustin had to have sent you proof that he paid the taxes. Don’t believe him or lend him money. He is working and healthy, and has other people to whom he can ask for money other than you. He told us here that he was doing well with his family, and that he had stopped drinking. Nobody is living in the house in which you lived. We were very happy to find out through Chuy’s letter that you drive the car and keep chickens and rabbits. Well, I hope you are all happy comfortable well

With this I close my letter, waiting for your reply to complete your request. Without further to add, your comadre who wishes you happiness. Mrs. Felipita N. Baca 1006 1/2 N. Arno st. Albuquerque, NM.