Albuquerqu N. Mej. March 17, 1939 Mrs. Jesusita BarrosEstimada comadre espero que esta carta los allen buenos. Nosotros estamos buenos Gracias a Dios. Recibí su carta la semana pasada pero sabe que aquí ubo fiestas de Will Roges y de el Highway 66. por 3 dias ubo mucha jente de otros lugares estubo tan bonito el parade que en estas salidas se atrasa uno mucho de su negocio de la casa. por andar uno pasiandose andavan vestidos de cowboys y de estilos de antes.
Aquí ay mucha enfermedad toda la jente a estado tan enferma de el flu Gracias a Dios que nosotros no emos estado malos ni uno.
Me dise que Don Faustín no le mando recibos yo se que se va avergonzar cuando el sepa que esta pagado els tax.[?]
Nosotros vamosa ser fuerza verlo en alguna salida y yo le voy a preguntar que quero ver los recibos que el tenga de el tax aver que me dise.
El camina seguido pa estos rumbos. De aquí
Bueno esto es todo comadre por que ya la marion se va a la escuela y pa que lleve la carta sin mas su comadre que le desea felesidadez Felipita N. BacaMAR 18
1230 PM
Albuquerque, New Mexico March 19, 1939 Mrs. Jesusita BarrosDear comadre, I hope that this letter finds you all well healthy. We are well healthy, thank God. I received your letter last week, but let me tell you that we had the Will Rogers and Highway 66 celebrations. For three days we had a lot of people from out of town, and the parade was so nice, that one tends to fall behind on one’s household affairs with so much going out. They were dressed as cowboys and in styles from yesteryear.
There is a lot of illness here. Everyone has been coming down with the flu. Thank God, we have not gotten sick, not a one.
You tell me that don Faustín didn’t send you the receipts proof of tax payments. He will be embarrassed when he finds out that the taxes are paid.
We are going to try to see him some time when we go out, and I’m going to ask him, to tell him that I want to see the tax receipts he has. Let’s see what he tells me.
He often walks by here.
Well, this is all comadre, because Marion is going to school, so she takes the letter. Without further to add, your comadre who wishes you happiness, Felipita N. Baca