
Apresiable sovrino derijo la precente para saludarte desiando estes bien yo y mi familia bien gracias al criador.
Sovrino despues de saludarte acuso rresibo de tu grata de fecha 3 del corriente y
enterado deeya doy contestasion y en cuanto atusde preguntas pues sabras que tu hermano no esta con migo desde ace muchos años ceceparo
dela casa y esta casado tiene ya dos chamacos una niña y unniño y de Teudosio cesabe
que ya murio y de Aurelio Sanches esta en SanJuan de aramutaro donde aestado siempre
y de tu tia andrea esta bien y de mi tio Crispin pues el algo enfermo y de mi tio
antonio ya murio desde el año de m1931 y de Reynaldo pues ce quatodavia esta en estos lugares aunquando ami no me escribe
desde que murrio la mama y portanto no ce
Exsactamente de su domisilio pero
pero yo creo que no ceacambiado de donde estaba entonces ayite mando el domisilio deel
para que le escribas aunque enla primera carta no le digas nada delo que te deve por
que la señoras son las que agaran las carta y la carta que no lesda lagana en tregar
no la entregan el cuando fue para ya dijo que desiaba saber de ti para pagarte pero
como Nosotros no sabiamos de ti no pudimos aserteto saber y tu tia andrea a la que
mandas saludar te rretorna los recuerdos y le dimos la direcsion a clemente y de mi
parte rresibe el afecto de quien te decea into do felisidades.

14 FEB 1939 18-30


Esteemed nephew, I send this letter to greet you, hoping that you are well. My family and I are well, thanks to the Creator.
Nephew, after greeting you I confirm receipt of your kind letter dated on the 3rd
of this month, and proceed to answer your questions. You will know that your brother
hasn’t lived with me for several years now. He left our home and is married and already has two kids, a girl and a boy. And about Teodosio,
we know that he has died, and Aurelio Sanches is in San Juan de Aramútaro, where he
has always been, and your aunt Andrea is well, and my uncle Crispin is a little sick
and my uncle Antonio has been deceased since 1931. And Reynaldo well, I know that
he is still around here, even though he doesn’t write to me since his mom died, and
because of this I don’t know
his address exactly, but I don’t think he has moved from where he used to live, so
I’m sending you his address so that you can write him. But don’t mention anything
about what he owes you in your first letter, because the women wives female postal workers, are the ones who pick up the mail, and if they don’t feel like delivering a letter,
they don’t. When he went over there he said that he wanted to hear from you so he
could pay you, but we didn’t know your whereabouts, so we couldn’t let you know. And
your aunt Andrea, to whom you say hello, send her regards, and we gave your address
to Clemente. And from me receive the affection of someone who wishes you happiness
in everything.