
la presente es para Saludarlos á ti, y Esposo, y familía,
nosotros estamos bien gracías á Dios; pues te dire que Demetrio mi hermano, me escribe y me dise que te mande estos retratos, para que conoscas el lugar, de juchipila, y que bayan á paseo, y que le escribas y que les mandes los retratos, de ti y tu esposo y los niños,
bueno aquí no ay nuevas mas que la Helen ya entro á trabajar, el 4, de march, aquí ya parese que se esta componiendo el tiempo nosotros todos enromizados[?]

poquito resfríados; yo dure como 2, semanas; con mucha tos y catarro pero ya para hoy estamos mejor, gracias á Dios;
¿como sígue la baby;? Linda, ojala y para oy este mas mejor;
bueno hija yo creo que esto sera todo por esta ves
muchos saludes de los muchachos, y jess, Helen y de max, y de mí tu mamá jesusita Baros Torres;Translation

this letter is to greet you, your husband, and your family.
We are well, thank God.Well, I will tell you that Demetrio my brother, wrote to me and asked me to send you these photos of Juchipila so that you get to know the place and go for a visit. He asks that you write to him and that you send him pictures of you, your husband and the kids.
Well, there are no news here other than Helen started work on March 4th. The weather seems to be getting better. We are all enromizados

with a little cold. I was sick for about two weeks with a cough and a cold, but today we are better, thank God.
How is the baby? I hope Linda is better by now.
Well daughter, I think this will be all for now.
Many greetings from the kids, and from Jess, Helen and Max, and from me, your mom Jesusita Baros Torres;