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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres a Santos Baros Schubert, 13 de septiembre, 1957


  ft. Lupton Colo Querida hija,

la presente es para saludarte tanto á ti, como al Bill, y los niños nosotros estamos bien;

Gracias a Díos;

reciví tu carta otra bes, ya días que agare otra, y siempre quería Contestarte;

pero deveras creerlo que se me ba el día en nada, y me lebanto tempran, y ago el el almuerzo, y lonche: y sigo prelando chile, y enfrascando y tambien tomate, y se me ba el día como nada; y me escrívío Clemente el hermano de Max, me dise que se le murio la esposa y le quedaron 12, hijos y que estan pobres, que no ha   llovído nada para ya mex; que estan perdídas las cosechas; 100 libras de maiz bale a 100; y que dan una comida al día; porque no tienen;

que les diga á ti, y á jesus que le mandemos algo de dinero; yo quicíera mandarles algo, aunque para los Crihmax crísthmas;

bueno; que bueno que Billy boy ya ba muy adelante en su escuela boy á mandarl un presente para su birthday pero pues no ayo ní que; porque no me dises tu que sera bueno comprarle;

que bueno que tengas flores aunque poquitas yo pensaba que se te abían secado, cuando te binieros para aca,   pues aquí esta ya poco fresco,

como parese que se ba abinir el inbierno, yo siento mucho el frío, porque empieso luego á sufrir de las piernas me duelen tanto;

bueno hija yo pienso que esto sera todo por esta ves

cuídate hija, yo pienso que tu estas mala, ó sufres alga cosa, porque no me dises,?

sí no puedo remedíar nada; siquiera para saber; siempre le pído á Díos ayuda para ti;

bueno saludes de jesus y familia y de nosotros max, y tu mamá, que te deceo bien en todo jesusita Baros Torres
  P. O. Box, 681. Ft. Lupton Colo Sandra B. Schubert 1016, South 40th St Lincoln Nebraska; FORT LUPTON
SEP 13
1 PM


  Ft. Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you as well as Bill, and the kids. We are well,

thank God.

I received another letter from you. I got one a few days ago and I wanted to answer you,

but truly, the flies by and I don’t get anything done. I get up early, and I fix breakfast and lunch, and I keep peeling chilies and canning tomatoes too, and the day goes by like nothing. And Clemente, brother, wrote me. He tells me that his wife died and he was left with 12 children, and that they are poor, that it hasn’t   rained at all over there in Mexico; that the harvest was lost. That 100 pounds of corn are worth 100, and that they only eat once a day because they can’t afford more.

He wants me to He asks That I tell you and Jesús to send him some money. I would like to send them something but even if only for Christmas.

Well, how good that Billy boy is doing well in school, i’m going to send him a present for his birthday, but I can’t think of what. Why don’t you tell me what should I buy for him.

How nice that you have flowers, even if they are few. I thought they had died when you came here.   Well it’s a little chilly here already,

it seems like Winter is coming. I don’t like the cold I feel the cold acutely, because my legs start to ache right away, they hurt a lot.

Well daughter, I think this will be all for now.

Take care of yourself, daughter. I think I feel that you are ill, or that you are suffering because of something. Why won’t you tell me?

Even if I can’t solve anything, at least I would know. I always ask God’s help for you.

Well, regards love from Jesús and family, and from us, Max and your mom, who wishes you well in everything. Jesusita Baros Torres