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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres a Santos Baros Schubert, 05 de julio, 1958


  ft. Lupton Colo Querida hija,

la precente es para saludarlos á todos siempre deseando que esten todos bien. así como nosotros estamos buenos Gracias á Dios;

pues recíví tu Carta mucho gusto al ber que mandastes retratos que bonitos, estan todos salieron muy bien; pues muchas gracias hija que me escrivistes ya; tenías mucho que no me escrivías;

pues oy es 4. de july, yo no fuí para ninguna parte; me siento poco mala de mi pierna estoy yendo con el Dtor; me esta dando chots me siento muy bien con los choths


gracias á Díos, que el Billy boy, que ya este bien,

me dises que tiene que ir al swimming;

y Bill como sígui, tampocito me escríbis; tu mamá suegra, como sige ojala que este mas mejor;

bueno hija, me dises que ban á benir siempre me escrives como 3 ó 4 días antes tu saves tan siquiera tener limpía la casa; y tambien me dises que; que necesito para mí birthday;

saves que lo que quisiera un camíson de dormir de inbierno que es el que me ase falta, sí puedes y sí no yo contenta estoy con que vengan á pasiarse ojala y por un mes;

  bueno recíban saludes á todos ojala y bengan pronto antes que se acaben las flores; tu mamá jesusita B. Torres
  P.O. Box. 681. Colo ft Lupton Mrs. Sandra B. Schubert 1016 South 40th st; Lincoln 10, nebra; FORT LUPTON
430 PM



  Ft. Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this is to greet you all, wishing as always that you are all well, as we are too, thank God.

Well, I got your letter and was happy to see you sent photos. How pretty, they all came out quite well. Thank you for writing daughter it had been a while since you last wrote.

Well, today is the fourth of July and I didn’t go anywhere because my leg is hurting a little. I’m going to the doctor; he’s giving me shots, I feel quite well with the shots.


I thank God that Billy boy is well now;

you tell me that he has to go swimming to swimming classes;

how is Bill doing? You write so little. How is your mama mother in law doing? I hope she is better.

Well daughter, you tell me you are coming, do write me three or four days ahead of time, you know, at least so I can have the house clean. You also ask me what I need for my birthday;

you know, what I would like is a winter nightgown that I’m needing. If you can, if you cannot, I am happy with you all coming for a visit, hopefully for a month;

  Well, receive my regards for all of you. I hope you come soon, before the flowers are gone. Your mom Jesusita B. Torres