ft, Lupton colo 13, novem, – 1958 Querida hijala precente es para saludarlos á todos siempre deceandoles que esten bien, así como nosotros estamos Gracias á Dios;
pues ase días que recíbí tu carta, pero ya bes se le pasa á uno el tiempo;
bueno te platicare que ya acabaron de componer la casa del jessee sí haora quedo mas grande el cuarto de adelante, el cuarto que era del jerry y el cuarto de adelanto lo juntaron;
y se íso mas grandae, quedo muy bonito, compraron una jerga muy bonita que les costo $400, pusieron bentanas
nuvas new y puertas; y muebles, sofa y todo;
y al jerry le pusieron su cuarto abajo en el soterano;
pues al fin no quisieron agarar la casa nueva, pues porque costaba mucho $12,000 dosemill pesos;
Pues poi por mi parte estubo bueno; yo me sentía muy triste; bueno tambien quiero desirte
que si quieres que te mande los libros de las estampas del Sefway, tengo 2. y los
que tu tengas mandas traer alguna cosa para los muchachos; sí quieres no te dilates
en contestarme para mandartelos antes que se llegen xmas;
que bueno que aygas pasado muy contenta para el día de tus cumple años; y me arde a corde todo ese día de ti; Dios te Bendiga hija; tan lejos como estas;
ni como ir; bueno pues yo creo que sera todo por esta bes; muchos recuerdos al Bill,
y Billy boy, y Robert, y Pamala; y a ti el mas fino recuerdo de todos nosotros max,
y jessee y familia y de mí tu mamá, que te deseo bien en todo;
NOV 13
430 PM
Ft. Lupton, Colorado November 13, 1958 Dear daughter,This letter is to greet you all, wishing as always that you may be well, as we are, thank God.
Well, I received your letter several days ago, and you know how time flies.
Well, I will tell you that they finished fixing remodeling Jesse’s house. Now the front room is bigger. They joined the room that used to be Jerry’s and the one that used to be the front room and it’s now bigger.
It’s very nice. They bought a very nice $400 rag rug, they put in new windows and doors, and furniture and a sofa, and everything. And they put Jerry’s room in the basement.
In the end they decided not to take the new house because it was very expensive, $12,000 twelve thousand pesos.
For me this was good, because I was very sad to see them go. Well, I also wanted to ask you if you want me to send you the my books of stamps from Safeway. I have two, plus the ones that you may have, you can order something for the kids. If you want them don’t take too long to reply, so that I can send them to you before Christmas is here.
It's good I'm happy that you spent a happy birthday. I remembered you all day that day. God bless you daughter. As far away as you are, it’s I have no way of going to see you. Well, I think this will be all for now. Many regards Much love Warm regards for Bill and Billy boy, and Robert, and Pamela. And for you the finest regards from all of us. Max, Jesse and his family and from me, your mother mom who wishes you well good things in everything.
With much love Jesusita B. Torres