ft Lupton Colo march 14,–1959 Querida hijala precente es para Saludarte, tanto á tí, Bill y family
esperando que ya tengas familia nueva, y yo pienso que á de ser una mujercita un niña; yo esperando que tu nos digas; y yo creo que tu esperando que te conteste; pues saves que yo siempre llendo con el Doctor; no no estoy muy mala, pero dise el Doctor siempre tengo que agar los chats; y píldoras tambíen;
ojala y tu estes bíen agas quedado alíbiada; dill al Bill que escríba que le ase que sea en ínglez jesus sabe el puede leer y saver de ti; algo; te platicare que aquí á abido muchos muertos en una semana se sepultaron 2, yo no se te acordars de don jose martines, murió el es del campo, y don julián Lujan, tambíen del campo; y otra de I. Volmar; parecía acababamos de un velorío, y un funeral cuando otro, y otro;
aquí ay mucho haire, parese que se ba á benir la ive nieve; la Helen ya empeso á trabajar ase como 2, semanas; que la yamaron
¡y como estan los mumachos.! no se te an emfermado; aquí ay mucha enfermedad jerry y Kathy, estubieron poco malos, pero haora ya se alibiaron ya ban á la escuela;
bueno muchos recuerdos para todos Bill, Billy boy, Robert, y Pammela y un Halo, al baby new; y para tí con, con, cariño de tu mamá; y max Torres Jesusita B. TorresMAR 14
430 PM
Ft. Lupton, Colorado March 14, 1959 Dear daughterthis letter is to greet you, Bill and family,
hoping that you have a new family member by now. I think it will be a little woman, a girl. I’m waiting for you to let us know, and I think you must be waiting for me to reply. Well, you know, I kept going to see the doctor. No, I’m not very sick, but he says that I do have to have the shots, and the pills too.
I hope that you are well and that you are relieved by now that you've already had the baby. Tell Bill to write to us. It doesn’t matter if it’s in English, Jesus knows English, he can read and let us hear from you. I will tell you that there have been many deaths around here. Two were buried in a week. I don’t know if you remember Mr. José Martínez, he died. He is from the field. And Mr. Julián Luján, also from the field and another death, I. Volmar. It seemed like we had just had a wake and a funeral, and then another and another.
There’s been a lot of wind. It looks like it’s going to snow. Helen started to work. They called her about two weeks ago.
How are the kids? Have they gotten sick? There’s a lot of illness around here. Jerry and Kathy were a little sick, but they’re well now, and they’re going to school.
Well, many regards much love for everyone: For Bill, Billy boy, Robert and Pamela, and a hello for the new baby. And for you, with love from your mother and Max Torres Jesusita B. Torres