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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres a Santos Baros Schubert, 07 de mayo, 1959


  ft Lupton colo Querida hija,

la precente es para saludarte en compania de tu Esposo, y los muchachos;

ojala y esten bien todos; la baby que no se te ag ayga enfermada yo creo que ya estara grandecita;

yo é estado poco bien siempre estoy llendo con el Doctr, cada 2 weeks, me estadando chats, y pilldoras

y max hora en may estan empezando á platar seboya; el tiempo esta como oy esta como biníendose la agua ó nieve el Radio dise que la nieve; estamos en mayo y todabia níeve;

bueno tambíen te platícare, que vino á paseo la Sra. Bassor. aquí estubo con la Helen, ya esta vieja, no mas que como se aregla tanto parece muy bien;

pues yo te escribo para que me   contestes, pues yo te escríbí y tu no me as contestado,

espero que estes bien, escríveme no mas eso quiero; que no te desentíendas de no escríbirme por fabor hija, no seas floja para escríbirme; ya que no puedo ir á berte;

te platicare que jesse compro otro car, este es Colorado, y cremita de dos colores es fort 1959, dío el otro en cuenta, dijo que le abían agarado el víejo, $1.500. y este le costo $3,000.

bueno pues estas son todas las nuevas; que ay aquí; muchos recuerdos para Bill, y para Billy boy, y para Robert, y la Linda Pamella, y la baby; de todos nosotros; max y yo tu mama;

la Kethy le dío mucho gusto cuando supímos que tenías una baby girl, que bueno hora tiena una baby girl; á mí me gustan las girls

  bueno esto sera todo por esta bes, tu mamá Jesusita B. Torres;
  [?]cific st, 814, Colo [?], Lupton Mrs W.F. Schubert 1016, South. st 40th st, Lincoln 10, nebraska; FORT LUPTON
430 PM


  Ft. Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you, your husband and the kids.

I hope that all are well, and that the baby has not gotten sick. I think she must be getting big.

I have been somewhat well. I’ve kept going to the doctor every two weeks. He’s giving me shots and pills.

Max is starting to plant the onions. The weather is like today, with rain or snow coming. The radio says we’ll get snow. We’re in May and still snow.

Well, I will also tell you that Mrs. Bassor came for a visit. She stayed here with Helen. She’s old now, but she primps so much that she looks very good.

Well, I’m writing so you’ll   reply, because I wrote to you and you haven’t answered.

I hope that you are well. Write to me, that’s all I want. Please daughter, don’t put off writing to me. Don’t be lazy in writing to me, since I cannot travel to see you.

I will tell you that Jesse bought another car. This one is red and cream, two-colored. It’s a Ford 1959. He traded in the other. He said that they had taken his old car for $1,500, and this one cost $3,000.

Well, these are all the news. Around here. Many regards Warm regards Much love to Bill, Billy boy, and for Robert, and Linda Pamela, and the baby, from all of us: Max and your mother.

Kathy was very happy when we told her that you had a baby girl. It’s good that you have a baby girl. I like baby girls.

  Well, this will be all for now, you mother Jesusita B. Torres;