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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres a Santos Baros Schubert, 23 de junio, 1963


  ft, Lupton colo Querida hija,

la presente es para saludarlos tanto á ti. como á tu espozo, y á los muchachos,

Esperando que esten bíen así son mis deceos, pues nosotros estamos bíen es por lo que le doy Gracías á Díos, recíví tu carta fecha 13, june días de los padres.; dise max que muchas gracías, ó sí le compre cígarros,

pues áquí esta el tíempo muy calíente; y de nuevas te platícare que la Sra nolasco murío, el 3, de june; en paz descanze; duro 1. Año y 7 meses, en la cama paralízada; Dios la tenga en su Eterno descanzo;


bueno y platicame de la Sra Schubert; como á seguido, y tambien te platicare del jerry pues disen que esta en en ese lugar de Washinton d.c. salío en el papel de Lupton dísen que esta muy gordo que pesa 160 libr, aquí te mando el retrato pues amí se me ase que no se parese al jerry.

bueno yo creo que esto sera todo por esta ves. muchos saludes para los muchahcos y para Bill, y recive el cariño de tu mamá que Díosíto te Bendiga y te guíe por un camíno bueno, tanto á ti como á toda tu famílía son los deceos de tu mamá Jesusita B, Torres:
  jesusita B. Torres 814, Pacífc ave ft Lupton colorado W. F. Schubert 1016 South; 40th Lincoln 10, Nebraska FORT LUPTON
JUN 24
5 PM



  Ft. Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you, as well as you husband and the kids,

hoping that you are all well, as are my wishes. Well, we are all right, for which I give thanks to God. I received your letter dated June 13th, Father’s Day. Max says thank you. Oh, I did buy him cigarretes.

Well, the weather here is very hot. In news, I will tell you that Mrs. Nolosco died on June 3, may she rest in peace. She spent a year and seven months paralized in bed. My God have her grant her eternal rest.


Well, tell me about Mrs. Schubert, how is she doing. And I will tell you also about Jerry. They say that he’s in that place in Washington D.C., it was in Fort Lupton’s paper. They say that he is very fat, that he weighs 160 lbs. I'm sending you the picture here, because I don’t think he looks like Jerry.

Well, I think this will be all for now. Many regards Much love for the kids and for Bill. And you, receive the love of you mom. God bless you and guide you on a good path, you and your family. These are the wishes of your mother, Jesusita B. Torres