
la precente es para Saludarlos á todos esperando que esten bíen
bueno te díre que tengo mucho gusto porque esta á aquí la Pamela; pero al mismo tiempo
te digo, que por que no me abías dicho antes, tu sabes pues yo no los esperaba; Jessee
me digo el Domíngo en la mañana que me llebo á misa; pues que podia á ser ya para
el Lunes tu sabes la casa toda polbienta yo ago mí trabajo todo pero tan pronto así;
pues no; de modo que espero que para otra bes me digas tan siquiera una sena semana antes, y tambíen díme si te gusto el reboso que le trage á la jane; pues á
la Pamela sí le gusto mucho la chaqueta mex, que le truge; y tambíen al yo pienzo;
bueno muchas Gracias que me mandastes á esta
niña ojala y á ella no se le aga tríste porque las 2, solitas la Kathy todabía no
acaba dise;
bueno hija muchos recuerdos á la jane y tambíen dile muchas gracías que me mando sus cartas, ya puede aser su nombre Jane
bueno recíve muchos recuerdos de todos y de mí el mas fino recuerdo, max y yo JesusitaTranslation

this letter is to greet you all, hoping that you are well.
I will tell you that I am very happy because Pamela is here. But at the same time, let me tell you, why didn’t you let me know beforehand? You know, because I wasn’t expecting them. Jesse told me Sunday morning, when he took me to mass. So what could I do for Monday? The house was all dusty. I do my work, but all of a sudden, like that, well, no I can't clean the house. Let me know at least a week in advance when you are coming for a visit. And let me know if you liked the Mexican shawl that I brought Jane, because Pamela did like very much the Mexican Jacket I brought for her. And also the I think.
Well, thank you for sending me this
girl. I hope this place will not seem too sad for her, just the two of us alone here, because Kathy says
she’s still not done with school.
Well daughter, many regards for Jane, and also, tell her you thank you very much for sending me her letters. Jane can write her name, now.
Well, receive many regards much love from all, and from me, the finest regards, Max and me, Jesusita