Dec. 8, 1966.
la precente es para Saludarte, tanto á tí como al Bill, tu espozo; y á todos los muchachos
bueno te dire que ayer Martes agare tu carta onde veo me dises que estan todos es por lo que tengo mucho gusto; nosotros estamos bíen, yo estoy bíen Gracías á Díosito;
pues desde julio estaba cuidando al Markos el baby de Jesse; la Helen trabajando en un lugar de costura; pero haora en novem como para el día de Gracías; me toco, pues antes del día de Gracía fuí con el Doctor, ál Hospital Colo; y me ayaron alta precion de Sangre y sí tube que desír que esta cuidando un niño al Markitos; pues me evitó el Doctor me dijo que yo no podia cuídar babys 2 bueno le mando un papelito á Helen, que me llevara la proxcíma ves; bueno pues yo le dí el papelito que me dío el Doctor, se lo di á Helen; y ella se me enogó; me digo porque Ud, no me avía dicho que estaba mala; yo le dige pues ya lo saben que estoy enferma, pero parese que no me lo cren, uds;
bueno, pues desde entonses no la é bisto mas; a Jesse sí el me lleva á la missa, y al markitos lo esta degando con la otra herman, la Lila tu saves la que caso con un Texano; hora se quedaron aqui en Lupton, de modo que me ase mucho mal liriar con babys y los hombresitos son los piores; bueno te dire que vide al Bill, ó me dío mucho gusto, sí tambíen me conbido que fuera á vesitar pues sí boy á ir nomas que orita porque estoy poco mala 3 carino espalda yo y aquí esta mucho frío, ase 2, días que esta callendo nieve;
bueno tambien lambien me dises que es lo que yo quiciera para los cle christmas; pues te dire que cada año tu eres la que me compras calzones calíentítos pero the zize 42, ó 44, por que cuando uno los lava se asen chiquitos. no mas como 2; y unas
medias calíentitas, eso si que tienes tiempo de salir á comprarlas, y sí no pues salir, á comprar pues lo que
quíeras; que yo no ay quíen me lleve á comprar algo; la Helen parece que ya se enogo
con migo; pero mira higa mirando bien y despacio no se abían sentir por eso; enojarse
menos; cuando estaba alíviada, sí podia pero haora ya no;
Dec. 8, 1966.
this letter is to greet you, as well as Bill, your husband and all the kids.
Well, I will tell you that yesterday, Tuesday, I got your letter where you tell me that you are all well, which makes me very happy. We are well. I am well, thank God.
Well, I was taking care of Marcos, Jesse’s baby, since July. Helen is working at a place where they sew. But now in November, around Thanksgiving, it was my turn, because I went to the doctor before Thanksgiving Day, to Colo Colorado Hospital, and they found that I had high blood pressure, and I did have to tell them that I took care of a child, of Marquitos. So the doctor scolded me, told me that I couldn’t take care of babies. 2 well, he sent a note to Helen, that she should take me next time. So I gave her the note that the doctor gave me, I gave it to Helen and she got mad. She asked me why I hadn’t told her that I was ill. I told her "Well, you both know that I am sick, but it seems that you don’t believe me."
Well, I haven’t seen her since. Jesse takes me to mass, and they’re leaving Marquitos with the other sister. You know, Lila, the one who married a Texan. They’re staying here in Lupton now. So it’s bad for me to take care of babies now, and little men are worse harder to take care of. Well, I will tell you that I saw Bill. Oh, it made me very happy. End he invited me to come for a visit. Well, I will go, it’s just that I’m a little sick now. 3 love back me and it’s been very cold. It’s been snowing for the past two days.
Well, you also ask me what I want for Christmas. I will tell you that every year you are the one who buys warm undies for me. But size 42 or 44, because they shrink when you wash them. Only about two, and some warm nylons. But only if you have time to go out to buy them, and if you can’t go out shopping, whatever you want, because there’s no one here to take me shopping. Helen seems to be mad at me now. But look daughter, looking at this carefully and slowly, they shouldn’t feel offended by this, and least of all get mad. When I was healthy I could help them take care of her grandkids, but now I can’t.
Well, many regards warm regards for the kids, and fine regards much love from your mother . Thank you for writing to me. Jesusita Torres