
la presente es para saludarlos á todos; nosotros estamos bien Gracias á Dios; pues ase como 2 semans que recivi tu carta;
pero saves que estaba tan ocupada pues no se sí tu sabras que estamos en una Sociedad; que se llama Socíedad de la Sagrada Familia; y la muerte nos á vesitado; cada semana ay uno de los miembros; y tenemos que asestír á los veloríos y al funerales; hora ay una velorío, yo no se si te acordaras de las mejeres que fuímos á Bolmar á la misa que nos llevo el Bill; se murio una de ellas; y el esposo de otra que se llama Paublita Salas

y este día ay mucha nieve aquí, pero siempre tenemos que asestir al velorio, y al funeral;
bueno tambien te platicare que estamos asiendo otro cuarto no muy grande es de 11 x 12, ojala y lla este acabado cuando les toque venir; lo estan asiendo muy despacío pues este mes de march a estado con mas níeve;
Tambien me dises que esta poco mal el Bill, yo le pido á Dios que descanse ojala que pa cuando esta carta te llege este mejor, dale nuestros recuerdos y que se alívíe son mis mejores deseos;
la Helen todabía no la yaman al trabajo; quien save sí ni baya; porque le dise jess
que no baya á trabajar, ya los muchachos estan grandes y el jerry
ya empíesa á salir poray, á mi no me ase aparecío, ya esta grande ya le empíesa á
la el vígote, y la Kathy tambien estan cresíendo muy pronto; pero la Helen sí quiere
trabajar de modo que aber quien gana jess ó Helen;
bueno híja muchos recuerdos de todos; y en especial de tu mamá que te deceo bíen en todo
tu mamá jesusita B. TorresTranslation

the following is to greet you all. We are well, thank God. Well, it’s been about two weeks since I received your letter,
but you know, I’ve been very busy because, well, I do not know if you know, but we belong to a society called the Society of the Sacred Family, and death has visited us. Every week one of the members dies, and we have to attend the vigils and the funerals. There is a vigil today. I don’t know if you remember the women for whom with whom we went to the mass that Bill took us, in Bolmar. One of them died, and the husband of another called Paublita Salas

and there’s a lot of snow today, but we have to attend the vigil and the funeral.
Well, I will also tell you that we are building another room. It’s not very big, it’s 11 x 12. Hopefully it will be done when you come. They are building it very slowly because this month of March has had a lot of snow.
You also tell me that Bill has been a little sick. I ask God to give him some rest, and I hope that he is better by the time this letter arrives. Give him our regards, and tell him to get better, as are my wishes.
They haven’t called Helen to work yet, and who knows, she may not even go, because
Jess is telling her not to go. The kids are grown now and Jerry
has started going out. He doesn’t pay attention to me. He is big, and growing a mustache,
and Kathy too. They’re growing up very fast. But Helen does want to work, so who knows
who will win, Jess or Helen.
Well daughter, many regards much love from everyone, especially from your mom, who wishes you well in everything.
Your mom Jesusita B. Torres
MAR 12
1 PM

the following is to greet you all. We are well, thank God. Well, it’s been about two weeks since I received your letter, but you know, I’ve been very busy because, well, I do not know if you know, but we belong to a society called the Society of the Sacred Family, and death has visited us. Every week one of the members dies, and we have to attend the vigils and the funerals. There is a vigil today. I don’t know if you remember the women when we went to the mass that Bill took us, in Bolmar. One of them died, and the husband of another called Paublita Salas

And there’s a lot of snow today, but we have to attend the vigil and the funeral.
Well, I will also tell you that we are building another room. It’s not very big, it’s 11 x 12. Hopefully it will be done when you come. They are building it very slowly because this month of March has had a lot of snow.
You also tell me that Bill has been a little sick. I ask God to give him some rest, and I hope that he is better by the time this letter arrives. Give him our regards, and [tell him to] get better, as are my wishes.
They haven’t called Helen to work yet, and who knows, she may not even go, because
Jess is telling her not to go. The kids are grown now and Jerry
has started going out. He doesn’t pay attention to me. He is big, and growing a mustache,
and Kathy too. They’re growing up very fast. But Helen does want to work, so who knows
who will win, Jess or Helen.
Well daughter, many regards from everyone, especially from your mom, who wishes you well in everything.
Your mom Jesusita B. Torres