
la precente es para Saludarte síempre deceando que esten bíen todos asi como nosotros estamos es por lo que le doy Gracías á Díos,
pues bíen, recíví tu carta, yo siempre con la pena de Uds; le díje á jess que les hablara por . Telepon; vino me llevo, para su casa y le abla al Bill;
si estaba poco malo de una mano, ya asía como 2, meses que se abía cortado un dedo
muy malamente; se corto los nervíos de los dedos de la mano hisquerda en el trabajo;
y el Doctor le cosío la cortada pero le cosío los nervios, de modo que no
los podía mober; y ya que se alíbío pero no tenía movimiento en sus dos dedos los mas grandes de la mano hisquerda, no podía trabajar, y le bolviern
á ser operacíon; entonses se fue al Hospital por unos 10, días y le bolvieron aser
operacíon para soltarle los nervios que le abían cosído y entonses le pusíeron una
mano de llezo asta la Canilla y unos fierros en los dedos; pero haora en esta semana
se los quitaron y todabía no trabaja; la Helen sí, ya esta trabajando y el esta en la casa; max trabajo
como un dia de cada semana, porque esta muy llovido; mucha agua;
pues pobre del Bill ya se le acabaron las dos tias que tenía en Denver
ya mero acaban el cuarto que te platíque todabía no vienen las puertas; pero yo píenzo
que cuando tu bengas ya estara acabado y siga bíen el Bill que no se enferme,
que bonito, salío el Billy boy en el retrato y el Babe no se á retratado mandame uno tambíen, para tener recuerdos de cuando estaban en la escuela;
bueno híja es todo muchos recuerdos del jess y famílía y de Max y de tu mama que mejor deseo berlos que escríbirles ojala y bengan pronto
tu mamá jesusita B. TorresTranslation

This letter is to greet you, wishing as always that you are all well, as are we, for which I thank God.
Well, I received you letter. I’m always worried for you all. I told Jess to call you on the telephone. He came and took me to his house and he called Bill.
Yes, his hand was a bit bad. He had cut one of his fingers very badly. He cut the
nerves of the fingers in his left hand at work, and the doctor stitched the wound,
but he sewed the nerves, so he could not
move them the fingers. And he healed, but he could not move the two biggest fingers on his left hand. He
couldn’t work and they operated on him again, so he went to the hospital for about
ten days, and they operated on him to release the nerves that they had stitched together
and they put a cast in his hand, up to the forearm, and some metal things in his fingers,
but they removed them this week and he still cannot work. Helen yes, she is working,
and he is at home. Max worked about a day a week because it’s been very rainy, lots
of water.
Well, poor Bill, he lost the aunts that he had in Denver.
The room I was telling you about is almost done. The doors haven’t come yet, but I
think that when you come it will be finished. And I hope that Bill continues to be well and that he doesn’t get sick.
Billy Boy came out very handsome in the portrait. And Babe, hasn’t he been photographed? Send me one photo of babe too, to have memories mementos of when they were in school.
Well daughter, this is all. Many regards much love from Jess and his family, and from Max and your mom, who would rather see you than write to you. I hope that you come soon.
Your mom Jesusita B. Torres
APR 30
5 30PM

this letter is to greet you, wishing as always that you are all well, as are we, for which I thank God.
Well, I received you letter. I’m always worried for you all. I told Jess to call you on the telephone. He came and took me to his house and he called Bill.
Yes, his hand was a bit bad. He had cut one of his fingers very badly. He cut the
nerves of the fingers in his left hand at work, and the doctor stitched the wound,
but he sewed the nerves, so he could not
move them. And he healed, but he could not move the two biggest fingers on his left
hand. He couldn’t work and they operated on him again, so he went to the hospital
for about ten days, and they operated on him to release the nerves that they had stitched
together and they put a cast in his hand, up to the forearm, and some metal things
in his fingers, but they removed them this week and he still cannot work. Helen yes,
she is working, and he is at home. Max worked about a day a week because it’s been
very rainy, lots of water.
Well, poor Bi, he lost the aunts that he had in Denver.
The room I was telling you about is almost done. The doors haven’t come yet, but I
think that when you come it will be finished. And I hope that Bill continues to be
well and that he doesn’t get sick.
Billy Boy came out very handsome in the portrait. And Babe, hasn’t he been photographed? Send me one photo of babe too, to have memories of when they were in school.
Well daughter, this is all. Many regards from Jess and his family, and from Max and your mom, who would rather see you than write to you. I hope that you come soon.
Your mom Jesusita B. Torres