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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres a Santos Baros Schubert, 4 de enero, 1958


  Ft. Lupton Colo Querida hija

la precente es para Saludarlos siempre deceando que se incuentren bíen. así como nosotros estamos buenos adíos las gracías,

yo estoy poquito mala como risfriada, pero ya al fín ya se pasaron los Cristmas y años nuevos, ojala y ya para haora este descansado el Bill, pues nosotros sintemos [?] yo le pido á Dios, que se a [?] bueno yo tengo mucho [?] Díos nos dío lícensía de llegar á los Cristmas del 1957, y años new. la Helen me dío una lamparita T.V. la comadre Felípita me mando una cobíja, la Betty un Bolsa y muchas gracías tambíen, por lo que   me mandaste, sí me gusto mucho todo muchas gracías;

y que bueno que te ayga quedado el bestido; la Helen me díjo que te lo comprara, que facíl ese era tu size; y álos Kids como les quedo ojala y ese fuera su medída

todos muy contentos, y tu tambien híja ten pacíensía, le emos de pedír á Díos ayuda, be á la misa confiesate, para afrentar en la vida; que nos de luz para ber el camíno; Díos es el uníco nos da la vída, y cuando nos necesita nos yama; bu[?] contenta síempre tu [?] te decea que estes b[?] y con pacíensía, pídíend[?] recuerdos de jesus y Helen y famílía y son muy flojos para escríbir tambien, disen que no tienen tiempo, savías que gesus es precídente de un uníon   Uníon de Credíto, el tiene que aser muchos papeles y juntas,

saludes de max muy contento me dise que te díga muchas gracías y tu hija recíve el mas fíno recuerdo

saludos de tu mamá jesusita Baros Torres


  Ft. Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you, always wishing you that are all well, as we are, thank God.

I’m a bit sick, I have a cold. Well finally Christmas and New Years went by. I hope that Bill is resting. Well, we feel [?] I ask God that [?] Well, I have a lot [?] God gave us permission to reach Christmas 1957 and New Years. Helen gave me a little lamp T.V., my comadre Felipita sent me a blanket, Betty a purse, and thank you so much as well for what   you sent me, I did like everything very much, thank you very much,

and I’m glad that the dress fit you. Helen told me to buy it for you, that it was easily your size. And the kids? How did everything fit?

We spent Christmas very happy. And you, daughter, be patient, we shall ask God for help. Go to church, go to confession to face life he will light the way. God is the only one who gives us life, and when he needs us he calls us, bu[?] happy you always [?] who wishes that you are [?] and with patience, ask [?] Regards love from Jesus and Helen and their family. They are very lazy when it comes to writing too. They say they they don’t have the time. Did you know that Jesus is president of a union   the Credit Union. He has a lot of papers and meetings.

Regards from Max who is very happy, and has asked me to thank you. And you, daughter, receive the finest regards

from your mom Jesusita Baros Torres
  [?]ox 681 Colo [?]Lupton Mrs W. F Schubert 1016 South 40th St Lincoln 10 Nebraska FORT LUPTON
1 PM
  Fort Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you, always wishing you that are all well, as we are, thank God.

I’m a bit sick, I have a cold. Well finally Christmas and New Years went by. I hope that Bill is resting. Well, we feel [?]I ask God that[?] Well, I have a lot[?] God gave us permission to reach Christmas 1957 and New Years. Helen gave me a little lamp T.V., my comadre Felipita sent me a blanket, Betty a purse, and thank you so much as well for what   you sent me, I did like everything very much, thank you very much.

And I’m glad that the dress fit you. Helen told me to buy it for you, that it was easily your size. And the kids? How did everything fit? I hope that was their size and all are very happy. And you, daughter, be patient, we shall ask God for help. Go to church, go to confession to face life he will light the way. God is the only one who gives us life, and when he needs us he calls us, bu[?] happy you always[?] who wishes that you are[?] Regards from Jesus and Helen and their family. They are very lazy when it comes to writing too. They say that they don’t have the time. Did you know that Jesus is president of a union   the Credit Union. He has a lot of papers and meetings.

Regards from Max who is very happy, and has asked me to thank you. And you, daughter, receive the finest regards

Regardsfrom your mom Jesusita Baros Torres