Ft Lupton Octu 24, - 1961 Mi querida hijala precent es para saludarte síempre deceando que esten bien asi son mis deceos nosotros estamos gracías á Dios; hija despues de saludarlos, á todos,
bueno yo esperando que tu me escríbas; pero yo te escríbo para saludarte en el día de tu Santo espero que la pases muy contentaen el día de tu cumple años, y te de muchos años mas de vída yo síempre ruega á Díos por uds
anoche te soñe que te abiás caído, y luego recorde tu eche tu Bendícíon te eche tu Bendícíon Díosíto nos tiene que ayudar
bueno tambien te digo que ya cayo el Papel de nacímíento tuyo sí quieres te lo mando pero ya lo tengo aquí.
Saludos para todos, Bill, y Billy, boy, y Pamela; y Robert, Elisabeth, y tu recíve recuerdos de Jess, y Helen ba á tener un baby para Febrero disen,
buen de Max y tu mamá que te deceo felecídades; Jesusita B. TorresTranslation
Ft. Lupton October 24, - 1961 My dear daughter,this letter is to greet you, always wishing you that you are well, as are my wishes. We are well thank God. Daughter, after greeting you all,
and waiting for you to write to me, I write to you to greet you on your birthday. I hope that you are very happy on your birthday more of life achieving one more year of life. I always pray to God for all of you.
Last night I dreamt that you had fallen, I woke up suddenly and sent you my blessing. I sent you my blessing. God will help us.
Well, I will also tell you that your birth certificate arrived. If you want, I can send it to you, I already have it here.
Greetings for all, Bill, and Billy Boy, Pamela, Robert, Elizabeth, and for you, receive regards from Jess, and Helen is having a baby. In February, they say.
Well, from Max and your mom, who wishes you happiness. Jesusita B. TorresOCT 24
3 PM
this letter is to greet you, always wishing you that you are well, as are my wishes. We are well thank God. Daughter, after greeting you all, and waiting for you to write to me, I write to you to greet you on your birthday. I hope that you are very happy on your birthday more of life [‘cumpleaños’ is written as two words ‘cumple años’ that can also be read, non literally, as ‘achieving one more year of life’]. I always pray to God for all of you.
Last night I dreamt that you had fallen, I woke up suddenly and sent you my blessing. I sent you my blessing. God will help us.
Well, I will also tell you that your birth certificate arrived. If you want, I can send it to you, I already have it here.
Greetings for all, Bill, and Billy Boy, Pamela, Robert, Elizabeth, and for you, receive regards from Jess, and Helen is having a baby. In February, they say.
Well, from Max and your mom, who wishes you happiness. Jesusita B. Torres