ft, Lupton Colo Febru 12, – 1963. Querida hija.La precente es para Saludarlos, á ti, y tu Espozo, y á los muchachos, despues de saludarlos á todos desirte lo síguiente;
que emos estado bien Gracías á Díos; pues recívi tu carta el 28, de jan, pues ese mero día antes de agar la tuya te mande la mia, bueno pues como quiera que sea estoy sabíendo de uds; que estan bien;
y tambien te díre que oy este día esta muy bonito el 12, Febru pero duro 1. jan mes mas frío. que abajo 025, pues oy este día es día de su Santo Helen.nacio el 1922. Tambíen ya tíene sus 41, años pues un día platicando me enzeño el acta de nacímiento y el baby marky ba á cumplír un año el 24, de Febru, esta parecído á jesus. pero este niño ba á ser mas príetito, se me ase á mí, muy gordito que esta y ya anda;
bueno la Aurelia; me escríbe y me combida que baya para ya Albuquerque N. Mex. la Frances díse que ba, pues quíen sabe, sí acazo boy yo te escrívo;
bueno híja pues yo pienzo que esto sera todo por esta ves pero tu síempre escríveme, para no estar con pena de Uds; muchos recuerdos para todos en general, y á la Elizabeth dile Halo,
por mí tu mamá que les desea felecídadez. Por max y jesusita B. Torres;Translation
Ft. Lupton, Colorado February 12, – 1963. Dear daughter,this letter is to greet you, your husband, and the kids, and after greeting you all tell you the following:
that we’ve been well, thank God. Well So I received your letter on January 28, and that same day, before I got your letter I sent you mine. Well, no matter, I’m hearing from you and finding out that you are well. I will also tell you that today, this day, February 12, is a lovely day. But the cold lasted but the cold has been hard January was the coldest month, below 25 degrees. Well, today is Helen’s birthday. She was born in 1922. She is 41 years old. Well, we were talking one day and she showed me her birth certificate. and baby Marky will be one year old on February 24. He is starting to look like Jesús. But this boy this childwill be a little darker, it seems to me. He’s very chubby and is walking already.
Well, Aurelia writes to me [wrote to me] inviting me to go to Albuquerque N. Mex. Frances says that she’s going. I don’t know. If by chance I do go, I’ll write to you.
Well daughter, I think that this will be all for now, but do write to me, so I’m not worried about you. Many regards much love for everyone in general, and tell Elizabeth hello for me,
your mom who wishes you all happiness. For Max In Max’s name and Jesusita B. TorresFEB 12
4 PM
this letter is to greet you, your husband, and the kids, and after greeting you all tell you the following:
that we’ve been well, thank God. Well I received your letter on January 28, and that same day, before I got your letter I sent you mine. Well, no matter, I’m hearing from you and finding out that you are well.
I will also tell you that today, this day, February 12, is a lovely day. But the cold lasted but the cold has been hard January was the coldest month, below 25 degrees Well, today is Helen’s birthday. She was born in 1922. She is 41 years old. Well, we were talking one day and she showed me her birth certificate and baby Marky will be one year old on February 24. He is starting to look like Jesús. But this boy this child will be a little darker, it seems to me. He’s very chubby and is walking already.
Well, Aurelia wrote to me inviting me to go to Albuquerque N. Mex. Frances says that she’s going. I don’t know. If by chance I do go, I’ll write to you.
Well daughter, I think that this will be all for now, but do write to me, so I’m not worried about you. Many regards for everyone in general, and tell Elizabeth hello for me.
Your mom who wishes you all happiness. In Max’s name and Jesusita B. Torres