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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres a Santos Baros Schubert, 3 de marzo, 1965


  Forth Lupton, Colo Querida hija, Santos

la precete es para Saludarte siempre deceandoles que estes bien en Companía del Bill, y de todos los muchachos;

pues nosotros estamos bíen es por lo que le doy Gracías á Díosíto que es tan Líndo, pues al fin me dío lícencía de ir á Mex.

y de ver á toda mí gente, pues sí esta muy bonito todo pero el tíempo no nos quíso, nos enfermamos del Estomago, y yo de las bolas me salieron, les disen tanzolos; bueno pues aya nos estubímos 2, semanas y ya no pude aguantar mas nos benímos; de aya para aca me enferme mucho ay en el PassoTex y fuí Con un Doctor, sí; me puso 2 chats, y me dío unas Cauzulas y una agua para labarme la boca; bueno pues eso fue el   Domingo, y el Lunes nos benimos llegamos á qui el martes en la noche, y le teléfoníe á Jessee y el fue por nosotros, pues ya estamos á quí con el favor de Díos; pues yo te escríbí de Juchípila no se si la recivirías ó no; le trajimos á la Kathy, y la Pamela unas Chaquetas mexícanas pero no se la mando porque espero que bengan en este Berano.

Contestame para Saber Como an estado; recuerdos á la Elizabeth y que me escriba tambien al Bill, y á todos lo muchachos y tu recibe el mas fino recuerdo de nosotros, Max, and mí

tu mamá Jesusita Torres


  Fort Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter, Santos

This letter is to greet you, always wishing that you are well, in the company of Bill and all the kids.

Well, we are doing well, for which I thank God, he is so nice, because he finally allowed me to visit Mexico.

And see all my people, well, yes everything is very beautiful but the weather didn’t like us the weather was bad we got ill in the stomach, and I was sick with the balls I got, they call them tonzolas tonsils. Well, so we were there for two weeks and I couldn’t take it anymore, we came back and I got sick on the way here. I went to a doctor in El Paso Tex, yes. He gave me two shots and he gave me some capsules and a liquid to rinse my mouth. Well, so that was on   Sunday, and on Monday we came back. We got here on Tuesday night, and I called Jesse and he picked us up, so we are already here, thank God. So I wrote to you from Juchipila, I don’t know if you received it or not. We brought Kathy, and Pamela some Mexican jackets but I’m not sending them because I hope you come visit this summer.

Reply to this letter so that I may know how you all have been. Regards love to Elizabeth and tell her to write to me, and to Bill too, and to all the kids, and you receive the finest regards much love from us, Max, and me,

your mom, Jesusita Torres
  AFTER FIVE DAYS RETURN TO 814 Pacific Ave ft Lupton Colorado Jesusita Torres Mrs. W. F. Schubert 1016 South 40th St. Lincoln Nebraska; FORT LUPTON

  Fort Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter, Santos

This letter is to greet you, always wishing that you are well, in the company of Bill and all the kids.

Well, we are doing well, for which I thank God, He is so nice, because He finally allowed me to visit Mexico. And see all my people, well, yes everything is very beautiful but the weather didn’t like us, we got ill in the stomach, and I was sick with the balls I got, they call them tonzolastonsils. Well, so we were there for two weeks and I couldn’t take it anymore, we came back [and] I got sick on the way here. I went to a doctor in el Paso Tex, yes. He gave me two shots and he gave me some capsules and a liquid to rinse my mouth. Well, so that was on   Sunday, and on Monday we came back. We got here on Tuesday night, and I called Jesse and he picked us up, so we are already here, thank God. So I wrote to you from Juchipila, I don’t know if you received it or not. We brought Kathy, and Pamela some Mexican jackets but I’m not sending them because I hope you come this summer.

Reply so that I may know how you all have been. Regards to Elizabeth and tell her to write to me, and to Bill too, and to all the kids, and you receive the finest regards much love from us, Max, and me, your mom,

Jesusita Torres