
Querida hija, la precente es para Saludarlos á todos;
Felícítadolos con su baby girl;
le doy Gracías á Díos, que estes bien.
pues tambíen nosotros estamos Buenos;
recíbí tu cartíta; ase 2, ó 3, días pero aqui mucha nieve mucha agua y yo pues como soy fríolenta, pues no abía salído, asta oy que Sabado de Gloria, mañanaes Domingo Ester Sundy pero la semana que entra boy á la plaza aber que le mando al new one baby; girl;
bítes que sí adívíne, que íba ases un mujersíta, y tambien te acuerdas que cuando nacio el Bílly boy, adivine, que íbas á tener baby boy; y mira haora tambien; pues yo tambíen tengo mucho gusto que Díos te guarde

tus niños y que les de pacíencía para batayar con ellos, tanto tu como Bíll; pues haora quíen lo ba á bautízar; hojala, quizíera Bill que lo bautizara jess y Helen y tambien quisíeran Jess y Helen como ellos trabajan solo un Sabado; bueno mucho gusto híja; saludes para los Kíds Billy, Robert, Pammela, y tu híja; recíve el cariño de tu mamá que te deceo mucha buena suerte;
recuerdos de Max y de mí tu mamá
Jesusita B. TorresTranslation

Dear daughter, the present is to greet all of you,
congratulating you for your baby girl.
I thank God for keeping you safe.
We are also doing well.
I received your little letter, 2 or 3 days ago, but there is a lot of snow and rain and, because I am always cold, I had not been out until today that is Holy Saturday, tomorrow is Easter Sunday. However, this coming week I am going to the store to see what I can send for the new baby girl.
Did you see? I guessed you were having a little girl. Do you remember that, when Billy boy was born, I also guessed that you were having a baby boy. And see, now I did it again. Well, I am also very happy. May God keep

your children and give you patience to raise them, both you and Bill. Well, who is going to baptize her? I hope Bill would want Jess and Helen to baptize her, and that Jess and Helen would want to do it, but it would have to be on a Saturday, since they both work. Well, I am very happy, daughter. Greetings to the children Billy, Robert, Pamela and you, daughter. Receive your mom's love, who wishes you the best of luck.
Regards from Max and from me, your mom.
Jesusita B. Torres