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289 resultados

Letter from Wesley Park Methodist Church Board
Smallpox Vaccination Certificate
Birthday card
Birthday card
Handmade Christmas and New Year's Card
Notice of Anuity Award
Christmas and New Year's card
Water bill
Mothers day card
Christmas card
William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert
Birthday card
Easter card
Memorial card
Phone Bill
Agreement for lot purchase
Proposed agreement concerning sale of house
Max Torres' house
Verification of enrollment Cole Junior High School
Verification of enrollment in Longfellow Elementary
Request for verification of birth
A house
Verification of place and date of birth
Obituary for Santos B. Schubert
Receipt from Gold's Girls departament store
V-Mail Christmas greeting
Birthday card
Post card
Valentines Card
William F. Schubert
Unknown migrant worker and children
Valentines Card
Tax Return
Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros
John R. Schubert, Gwendoly Shubert, Helen Pearcy, Roger D. Schubert and John Jack Schubert
War ration book
Postal Saving System Depositors numerical reference card
Menu for Casa Bonita Restaurant
Receipts for photographs
Application and instructions for registry of an alien
Unknown women in China Poblana Costumes
Candelaria Flemate, Mercedes Flemate, Guadalupe Flemate and José Jesús Flemate
Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros and Lilian
Santos Baros Schubert
Maximino Torres
Draft for citizenship document
Kathy Baros
Jesusita Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert; Jess Jesús Baros; Jesusita Baros Torres
Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros