
la precente es para Saludarlos, á todos Deceando haygan pasado unos muy buenos cristmas; y un feliz año new, pues nosotros la pasamos muy bíen Gracías, á Diosito que es tan bueno;
para el día de cristmas nos cambído Salome una becína puso un nacimiento; y nos combido una noche antes: y rezamos, y cantamos; á nosotros nos gusto mucho: esa noche íso mucho frío y abía mucha nieve; pero víníeron por nosotros y tambíen nos trajíeron, y un car;
yo pense que me íba á –
enfermar, porque no dormimos en toda la noche; pero Díosito me ayudo; no me iso nada
bueno, tambíen recívímos precentes Helena le dío un Pantalon á Max, y tambíen tu le mandaste una camísa, y medías; hó á el le gusto, mucho, y dise muchas Gracías; pues á mi tambíen me gusto mis calzones que me mandastes; me cayo muy bíen, pues no tenía; pero pues yo no se porque se asen chiquitos despues que se laban;
y tambíen mi comadre Felípíta me mando, $5.00, tambíen la Betty me mando, otros $5.00
yo les escríví antes les díje que no me mandaran nada;
porque yo no podía mandarles nada, pues ya ban 2, años que yo no les mando; pero síempre
ellas me mandaron la Helen me dío unas toallas muy bonitas floreadas; y el jerry nos mando una. cristmas
card, pobresito de mí jerry, yo rezo por el y todoas las noches por el y por todos de la famílía Díosíto nos tíene que ayudar;
bueno y tambíen el baby de Helen y empíesa á andar, se esta parecíendo al jess; y grandote que esto lla usa del zize 3;
bueno, pues estubimos, platicando pues yo creo que esto sera todo muchos saludes, al Bill; a bílly boy, y hojala y sea un buen muchachito, y Pamela y Elizabth, diles algo de nosotros, que no se olbíden; y para tí, un fino recuerdo de max, y tu mamá
que te Bendice todas las noches J.B.T.Translation

this letter is to greet you all, wishing that you spent a good Christmas and a happy new year. Well, we had a good Christmas thanks to my loving God, who is good.
For Christmas, Salomé, a neighbor, invited us over the night before. She put up a nativity scene and we prayed, and we sang. We liked it a lot. It was very cold that night and there was a lot of snow, but they picked us up and brought us back by car.
I thought that I was going to –
get be sick, because we didn’t sleep a wink the whole night, but God helped me and nothing
made me ill.
Well, we also got presents. Helena gave Max a pair of pants, and you also sent him a shirt and socks. Oh, he liked them a lot and says thank you. I also liked the panties you sent me. They were perfect They were just what I needed, because I didn’t have any. I don’t know why, but they shrink after you wash them.
And also, my comadre Felipita sent me $5.00. and Betty gave me another $5.00 as well.
I’d written them beforehand to tell them not to send me anything
because I couldn’t send them anything. It’s been 2 years in which I haven’t sent them
anything, but they send me something anyway. Helen gave me some very pretty towels
with flowers on them, and Jerry sent us a Christmas Card. My poor Jerry, I pray for
him and for the whole family every night. God has to help us.
Well, also, Helen’s baby has started to walk. He’s starting to look like Jess and he is very big. He’s already wearing a size 3.
Well, you and I have been talking having this conversation, and I think this will be all.Many Many regards Love to Bill; to Billy boy, who hopefully, is a good boy, to Pamela and Elizabeth. Tell them about us Talk to them about us so they won’t forget us. And for you, finest regards warmest regards from Max, and from your mother,
who blesses you everynight. J.B.T.