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Letter from Jesusita Baros Torres to Santos Baros Schubert, April 20, 1969


  ft, Lupton Colo Mi querida hija,

la precente es para Saludate, tanto a ti como Bill, tu Espozo, y á todos los muchachos esperando que todos esten bien, pues yo estoy bien poco mala de las rumas; pero siempre le doy Gracias a Dios pues ya estoy vieja por eso pienzo me siento mal en veces;

la Helen no trabaja, dise que se siente nerbioza, el Jerry es muy andusío, bueno pues trabaja de Lunes asta el viernes; y el Sabado quíen sabe onde duerme dise que no viene en todo el dia ni en la noche hasta el amedio dia; ella dise que no se siente bien que no duerme estar penzando en el;

la Kathy dise que ba á benir en el mes de Sep y el Jerry dise que para ese tiempo ba a agarar un apartam en Denver, el trabaja en Denver bueno puras penas tienen con el le disen que se Case y el no dise nada no ma se reí   Há! Ha! Ha! la Helen estubo en el Hosptal como una semana de porsi que es delgadita pues haora esta mas delgadita; Markl el si esta cresiendo ya esta muy grande muchacho, para la edad que tiene, y Uds como les á ido con el Billy Jr.

pues mira tu no trabajes mucho tambien ya tambien te estas asiendo vieja tu como quiera tienes tus 47 años deja que el page lo que deben; al fin cuando uno puedo pues esta bien; pero ya cuando el cuerpo se Cansa pues ya; asta ay nomas; Max dise que tambien se cansa mucho yo le digo, ya se te esta acabando la fuerzas no traba tu saves en el fill no mas aqui en la Casa en el jardin

bueno hija pues yo pienso que esto eslsera todo por esta ves saludes para todos y para ti un fino recuerdo de todos nosotros y tambien de tu mamá escribeme cuando puedas yo me siento triste cuando Uds no me escriben;

El Señor que te Bendiga Hija;   Jesusita Torres 814 Pacific Ave ft. Lupton Colo, 80621.


  Ft. Lupton Colorado Dear daughter,

My dear daughter, this letter is to greet you, both you and Bill, your husband, and all the children, wishing that you are all doing well. Well, I’m well, but my rheumatism is acting up. But I always thank God because I am already old, and I think that is why I sometimes feel ill.

Helen is not working, she says that she feels nervous. Jerry is very restless Well, so, he works Monday through Friday, and on Saturday who knows where he sleeps, she says that he doesn’t come home all day long, not even at night, till midday. She says that she doesn’t feel well, that she doesn’t sleep thinking worrying about him.

Kathy says that she’s coming in September and Jerry says that by that time at that time he’s going to rent an apartment in Denver, he works in Denver. Well, with him, all she Helen has is worries. They tell him to get married and he doesn’t say anything, he only laughs   Ha! Ha! Ha! Helen was in the hospital like for a week. She’s so very thin already, and she’s even thinner now. Markl, is growing up fast. The boy is already big, for his age. And how are you doing with Billy Jr.?

Look, don’t you work too much either. You are also getting old. You are already 47. Let him pay what is owed what you all owe what you both owe . In the end, when you can work it’s ok, but when the body gets tired, that’s it. Max says that he also gets very tired. I tell him that his strength is running out. He doesn’t work in the fields anymore, just here at home in the garden.

Well, daughter, I think this will be all for now. Regards for everyone and a finest regard love for you from all of us, and from your mom too. Write to me when you can. I feel sad when you all don’t write to me.

The Lord bless you, daughter.   Jesusita Torres 814 Pacific Ave Ft. Lupton Colo, 80621.
  814 Pacific Ave ft Lupton Colo. 80621 Jesusita Torres Mrs S. Schubert 3830 “C” Street Lincoln, Nebraska FORT LUPTON, CO
APR 21

  Ft. Lupton, Colorado My dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you, both you and Bill, your husband, and all the children, wishing that you are all doing well. Well, I’m well, but my rheumatism is acting up. But I always thank God because I am already old, and I think that is why I sometimes feel ill.

Helen is not working, she says that she feels nervous. Jerry is very restless . Well, so, he works Monday through Friday, and on Saturday who knows where he sleeps, she says that he doesn’t come home all day long, not even at night, till midday. She says that she doesn’t feel well, that she doesn’t sleep thinking about him.

Kathy says that she’s coming in September and Jerry says that by then he’s going to rent an apartment in Denver, he works in Denver. Well, with him, all she has is worries. They tell him to get married and he doesn’t say anything, he only laughs   Ha! Ha! Ha! Helen was in the hospital like for a week. She’s so very thin already, and she’s even thinner now. Markl, is growing up fast. The boy is already big, for his age. And how are you doing with Billy Jr.?

Look, don’t you work too much either. You are also getting old. You are already 47. Let him pay what is owed what you all/both owe. In the end, when you can work it’s ok, but when the body gets tired, that’s it. Max says that he also gets very tired. I tell him that his strength is running out. He doesn’t work in the fields anymore, just here at home in the garden.

Well, daughter, I think this will be all for now. Regards for everyone and a finest regard for you from all of us, and from your mom too. Write to me when you can. I feel sad when you don’t write to me.

The Lord bless you, daughter.   Jesusita Torres 814 Pacific Ave Ft. Lupton, Colorado 80621