
la precente es para saludarlos á todos tanto á ti, como al Bill, á los niños;
ya ase dias que reciví esta; yo estaba con pena de Uds; y te escriví y ese dia que
fui á echar la cata carta; ese mismo dia aye esta; onde benía los retratos de los niños muchas gracias
salieron muy bien yo quisiera tener un retrato de todos de tí, el Bill; y los niños;
me escribío la Betty, y recibí mucho gusto; tan siquiera si acuerda, de mí yo pensaba que no podía escribir en español pero sí sabe;
que bueno, dise que esta trabajando ella y su esposo; y la suegra le cuída los niños;
y tiene muchas ganas de berme;

ojala y biniera algún día; yo le agredesco mucho; yo ya tan vieja; y sin poder ablar el ingles, pienso que asta se afrentaran, que diran; esta viejá; tonta ní save ablar, nada;
pues yo sí quiero, ablar el ingles. pero no puedo; asta á mí me da pena; bueno Helen
es muy buena con migo; ella me á llebado al Doctor; y tambien aversí areģlamos que
me den la socy sequirute el seguro socíal; aquí biene una bes al mes; quíen sabe quedaron de escribir; bueno
y dime como an seguido el Bill, con su enfermeda; yo parese que estoy muy bien no
te tardes mucho en escríbirme porque yo tengo pena de ti;

muchos recuerdos para ti y el Bill y los niños; de jessee y familia; y Max y de mí tu mamá que te deseo, que estes bien vivan agusto, en tu casa, y con tu esposo. aqui cada rato se miran pleitos con los maridos les pegan; y ay ando yo metiendo paz; que feo, que triste; y luego me acuerdo, de Uds; tu nunca me dises nada; ojala y esten bien; es lo que siempre le pido á Dios que ayude tanto á ti con tu esposo, y hijos;
tu mamá jesusita B. TorresTranslation

this letter is to greet you all: You, Bill and the kids.
I got your letter several days ago. I was worried about you, so I wrote you, and the day I went to mail the letter, that same day, I found this letter with the photos of the kids. Thank you, they came out very well. I would like to have a photo of all of you: You, Bill and the kids.
Betty wrote to me and it made me very happy. At least she remembers me. I thought she couldn’t write in Spanish, but she does know how.
That’s good. She says that she they are working, her husband and her, and her mother-in-law takes care of the kids;
and she is very eager to see me.

I wish she would come one day. I appreciate her so. I’m so old and can’t speak English. I think they may even be offended, they may say ‘this foolish old woman doesn’t even know how to speak or anything’.
Well, I do want to speak English, but I can’t. Even I get embarrassed. Well, Helen is very good to me; she has taken me to the doctor, and also, to see if they give me the Social Security. It comes once a month here. Who knows, they promised to write. Well, tell me how is Bill with his illness. I seem to be very well. Don’t take too long to write to me because I worry about you.

Many regards Warm regards Much love to you and to Bill and the kids from Jesse and family; and from Max and from me, your mother who wishes that you are well, and living comfortably happily in your home and with your husband. Around here we see fights very often; the husbands hit them, and there I go trying to appease things. How ugly, how sad. And later I think about you. You never tell me anything; I hope you are well. It’s what I always ask from God, that he help you with your husband and your kids.
Your mom Jesusita B. Torres