ft, Lupton Colo April 23,--1957 Querida hija,la presente es para saludarte, tanto á ti como al Bill, y á toda la familía,
nosotros estamos bien gracias á Dios; reciví tu carta con fecha 17 April pues me dises que estan los niños resfriados; ojalá y ya para oy espero que esten ya descansados; parese que ay mucha enfermeda aquí tambien beo yo que todos los muchachos, y tambien los biejos, tienen mucho tos;
la Helen estubo poco mala como de fiebre como dos semanas no fue á trabajar; jess no quiere que ella trabaje pero ella si quiere;
pues aquí ay mucha agua; y con nieve; esta poco frío;
pues aberse para mas paya, como en june se conpone poco el tiempo reciví tambien el cheke $25. muchas gracías; deveras que sí lo agradesco; pues yo ya abía comprado comida, para que selebraramos todos juntos el día de su santo de jess; y tambien no mas estabamos esperando que dijieras, cuando iba jess por ti á Denver; pero bale mas que se alivien los Kids; que mucho trabajo cuando estan enfermitos;
bueno hija dales mís recuerdos tanto como al Bill y los niños y tu resibe el mas fino recuerdo de tu mamá que te deceo muchas felisidades y tambien max, jesusita BarosTranslation
Ft. Lupton, Colorado April 23, 1957 Dear daughter,this letter is to greet you, Bill, and all the family.
We are well, thank God. I received your letter dated April 17th where you tell me that the kids have a cold. I hope that by now they are better. It seems that there is a lot of sickness around here too. I also see that all the kids are sick, the old ones grown ups seniors too.
Helen was a little sick, with a fever, She didn’t go to work for about two weeks. Jess doesn’t want her to work, but she wants to.
Well, there’s is a lot of rain here, and with snow. It’s a little cold.
Let’s see if a little farther off, like in June, the weather gets a little better. I also got the check for $25. Thank you very much, I’m truly grateful for it. I had already bought food to celebrate Jess’ saint’s day birthday together. And we were also waiting for you to send word so Jess would come get you in Denver, but is better to wait until the kids get well, because they are a lot of work when they are sick.
Well daughter, give my regards to Bill and the kids, and for you, receive the finest regards from your mother who wishes you much happiness and also Max, Jesusita Baros