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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres to Santos Baros Schubert, 20 de noviembre, 1964


  ft Lupton colo Querida hija

la presente es para Saludarlos, esperando que esten bíen, pues así como nosotros estamos;

bueno recíví su Carta de Pamela el 17, onde beo me díse que estan todos bíen, y tambíen me dise que es día de su Santo el 17, novem bueno yo pensaba comprarle algo pero pense mejor que ella compre lo que le aga mas falta ó necesite hora que esta en la escuela bueno aque le mandamos por mi y max, estos $5, para su Bírthday,

bueno y tambíen te platícare que la Frances Nolasco esta muy triste, porque el Tone esta en la carcel lo agarraron por que forzo una mucha y la golpió; y el dío 31, Octobre y esta en la carcel de Greely esperando la Corte;

pues tambien te díre que aquí esta   muy frío, mucha níeve;

y la Kathy en la escuela en Greely, el Jerry no á escrito, tambíen se ase como tu; que vamos á ser sí no quíeren ní modo;

pues yo creo que esto sera todo por esta ves, muchos recuerdos para el Bill y para todos los muchachos y la jenee Ysabel que pasa otras veses me escríve; que ya esta en la escuela?

bueno pues que Díosito nos ayude tanto á Uds, como á nosotros,

Diosíto que te Bendíga; higa, son los deceos de tu mamá jesusita B. Torres;


  Ft. Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you all, hoping that you are well, as we are.

Well, I received Pamela’s letter on the 17th , and I read that you are all well, and she also tells me that her birthday is on November 17. Well, I was thinking of buying her something but I thought better of it, that she should buy whatever she needs now that she is in school. Well, we are sending her, from Max and me, these $5 for her birthday.

Well, I will also tell you that Frances Nolasco is very sad because Tone is in jail. They arrested him because he forced assaulted a girl and he beat her on October 31. And he is in the Greely jail awaiting trial.

Well, I will also tell you that it’s   very cold, a lot of snow.

And Kathy is school in Greely. Jerry hasn’t written, he is like you. What are we to do? If you both don’t want to write, oh well.

Well, I think this will be all for today. Many regards much love for Bill and for all the kids. And jenee Ysabel, what’s going on with her? On other times she writes to me, is she in school already?

Well, may God help you and and us.

God bless you, daughter, as are the wishes of your mother Jesusita B. Torres;
  RETURN TO 814. Pacífic ave ft Lupton colo jesusita B. Torres. mrs. W. F. Schrubert 1016. South 40th st Lincoln 10, nebraska; FORT LUPTON
NOV 19


  Fort Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter,

this letter is to greet you all, hoping that you are well, as we are.

Well, I received Pamela’s letter on the 17 th, and I read that you are all well, and she also tells me that her birthday is on November 17. Well, I was thinking of buying her something but I thought better of it, that she should buy whatever she needs now that she is in school. Well, we are sending her, from Max and me, these $5 for her birthday.

Well, I will also tell you that Frances Nolasco is very sad because Tone is in jail. They arrested him because he assaulted he forced a girl and he beat her on October 31. And he is in the Greely jail awaiting trial.

Well, I will also tell you that it’s   very cold, a lot of snow.

And Kathy is school in Greely. Jerry hasn’t written, he is like you. What are we to do? If you both don’t want to write, oh well.

Well, I think this will be all for today. Many regards for Bill and for all the kids. And jenee Ysabel, what’s going on with her? On other times she writes to me, is she in school already? Well, may God help you and and us.

God bless you, daughter, as are the wishes of your mother Jesusita B. Torres.