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Carta de Jesusita Baros Torres a Santos Baros Schubert, 01 de noviembre, 1966


  ft Lupton Colo Querida hija mía,

la precente es para Saludarte tanto á ti como á Bill, y á todos los demas muchachos. Siempre esperando que esten bíen especialmente á ti, que hoy 1 Novem es día de tu Santo; Happy Birthday te deceamos todos nosotros; pues te dire que yo estoy bíen Gracias á Diosito que es tan bueno; pues te platicare que sé me abía olvidado que oy es día de tu; Santo; y como estoy cuidando al Markl, pero anque sea poquito tarde; pero nunca estarde para decírte que recibas muchas Felecidades de parte de Max y de Jess y family, y un fino recuerdo;de tu mamá;

Jesusita Torres;

P.S.aque te mando estos $5,00


  Ft. Lupton Colorado Dear daughter of mine,

This letter is to greet both you and Bill, and all the kids. I am Always hoping that you are doing well, in particular you, that today November 1st is your saint’s day birthday We all wish you a Happy Birthday. Well, I will tell you that I am doing well, thank God, who is so good.

Well, I will tell you that I had forgotten that your Birthday was today. And since I’m looking after Markl, although it is a bit late, it’s never too late to send you many Birthday wishes from Max and Jess and family, and a fine regards much love

your mom. Jesusita Torres;

P.D.I’m sending you $5.00 here.

  814 Pacific Ave ft Lupton Colorado 80621 Jesusita Torres Mrs. Santos Schubert 3830 C Street Lincoln Nebraska, 68510 FORT LUPTON. CO

  Ft. Lupton, Colorado Dear daughter of mine,

the present is to greet both you and Bill, and all the kids. I am always hoping that you are doing well, in particular you, that today November 1 is your saint’s day. We all wish you a Happy Birthday. Well, I will tell you that I am doing well, thank God, who is so good. Well, I will tell you that I had forgotten that your Birthday was today. And since I’m looking after Markl, although it is a bit late, it’s never too late to send you many Birthday wishes from Max and Jess and family, and a fine regards from your mom.

Jesusita Torres;

P.D.I’m sending you $5,00 here.