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  • Documento 161
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Categoría : Documento

161 resultados

Verification of place and date of birth
Obituary for Santos B. Schubert
Receipt from Gold's Girls departament store
V-Mail Christmas greeting
Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency
Mor Valu trading stamps
Christmas card and envelope
Birthday card
Birthday card
Post card
Valentines Card
Handwritten personal notes
Valentines Card
Tax Return
War ration book
Postal Saving System Depositors numerical reference card
Menu for Casa Bonita Restaurant
Christmas and New Year's card
Receipts for photographs
Application and instructions for registry of an alien
Employment flyer
Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency
Shirley Temple photo stamped w/autograph
Song lyrics
Draft for citizenship document
War ration book
War ration book
New Year's Postcard
Newspaper clipping
Easter card
Birthday card
Easter card
Schubert Farm Sale Poster
Personal journal
Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency
Napkin 40th Wedding Anniversary
Notebook with addresses
Sale poster
Note with value and specification of lots
Valentines Card
Valentines day card
Newspaper clipping
V-Mail Christmas greeting
Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency
Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency
Japanese government issued Philipine fiat currency
American issued currency
American issued currency
Work permit
Fragment of bank draft