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Formato : Fotografía
Categoría : Fotografía
Idioma Original : en

113 resultados

Santos Baros Schubert
Joe O. Gonzales
William F. Schubert
No Title
Unknown woman
Barbara Fe
Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert
William D. Schubert, Pamela L. Schubert and Robert S. Schubert
William F. Schubert
William D. Schubert
House of Yesterday
Unknown migrant worker and children
Rocky Mountain National Park
Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros
Santos Baros Schubert
William F. Schubert
John R. Schubert, Gwendoly Shubert, Helen Pearcy, Roger D. Schubert and John Jack Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert and William F. Schubert
William F. Schubert, Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert
William F. Schubert
Jesusita Baros Torres and Jess Jesús Baros
Odelia Montoya
Josephine Nieto
William F. Schubert
Unknown women in China Poblana Costumes
Candelaria Flemate, Mercedes Flemate, Guadalupe Flemate and José Jesús Flemate
Group of unknown migrant workers
Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros and Lilian
Jesusita Baros Torres, Santos Baros and Jesús Baros
Manuel Muñoz
Lenore Baca
Helen Romero
Santos Baros Schubert
Maximino Torres
Kathy Baros
Faustino Villanueva
Santos Baros Schubert's half brother in Mexico
Jesusita Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert; Jess Jesús Baros; Jesusita Baros Torres
Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros
Lilian, Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros, Jess Jesús Baros and two unknown groomsmen
Robert S. Schubert and Elizabeth J. Shanahan
William F. Schubert, William D. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert
Max Torres' house
Unknown woman
Pauline Hernandez