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127 resultados

Cole Junior High School 9th grade report
Record of makeup work Cole Junior High School
Water bill
Notice of Anuity Award
Birthday card
Seven different paystubs
Receipt from Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance Premium
War ration book
Honorable discharge letter
War ration book
Verification of enrollment in Longfellow Elementary
Envelope and Christmas card
Newspaper clipping
Homeowners insurance policy
Real state assesment
Letter to Longfellow School Principal
Easter card
Birthday card
Birthday card
Calendar and personal diary
Easter card
School Diploma
Schubert Farm Sale Poster
Report card
Social Security Envelope
Civil and religious marriage certificates
Certificate of Vaccination
Excuse Blank-High Schools. Cole Junior HIgh School
Note with value and specification of lots
Social Security document envelope
Valentines Card
Birthday card
Border crossing card
Birthday card
Receipt from Gold's Girls departament store
Valentines day card
War ration book
Sugar Purchase Certificate
Newspaper clipping
Verification of place and date of birth
Handmade Christmas and New Year's Card
Calendar from Burlington Route
V-Mail Christmas greeting
Denver Area War Chest
Work permit
Official letter to certify acquaintance
Application to legalize residence status
Response to request of proof of former employment