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665 items

Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert and Betty Baca
Santos Baros Schubert and Carlotta Elizabeth Tabor
Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros
Santos Baros Schubert and Jess Jesús Baros
Santos Baros Schubert and unknown toddler
Santos Baros Schubert and unknown woman
Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert and William D. Schubert
Santos Baros Schubert, Freddie Baca and unknown people
Santos Baros Schubert, Helen Baros and Lilian
Santos Baros Schubert, William D. Schubert and Roger Dale Pearcy
Santos Baros Schubert; Jess Jesús Baros; Jesusita Baros Torres
Sarah and unknown woman
Schubert Farm Sale Poster
Shirley Temple photo stamped w/autograph
Six unknown migrant workers
Envelope from Guadalupe Flemate to Jesusita Baros Torres
Envelope from Nemecio Samaniego to Jesusita Baros Torres
Envelope from Nemecio Samaniego to Jesusita Baros Torres
Envelope from William F. Schubert and Santos Baros Schubert
Song lyrics
Song lyrics
Tax Return
Templo de la H. Matamoros
Teresa Aguilar
Teresa Aguilar