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Año Todo el año
Mes & Día 1600-#-# a 2100-#-#
Mes 1600-#-1 a 2100-#-31
Día 1600-01-# a 2100-12-#



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289 resultados

Easter card
Easter card
Easter card
Easter card
Easter card
Easter card
Envelope and birthday card
Envelope and Christmas card
Envelope and prayer card
Excuse Blank-High Schools. Cole Junior HIgh School
Faustin Villanueva
Faustin Villanueva
Faustino Villanueva
Felipita Baca
Felipita Baca and baby
Fragment of bank draft
Frank R. Juillen
Freddie Baca, Cookie and Lucy
Group of unknown migrant workers
Guadalupe "Lupe" Flemate
Handmade Christmas and New Year's Card
Handmade diploma
Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros
Helen Baros and Jess Jesús Baros
Helen Romero
Homeowners insurance policy
Honorable discharge letter
A house
House of Yesterday
Installment plan. American Auction Furniture Co
Jess Jesús Baros with farmers
Jess Jesús Baros, Helen Baros, Jesusita Baros Torres, Jerry Baros and Maximino Torres
Jess Jesús Baros, Santos Baros Schubert, Teresa Perez and her brothers, Jesusita Baros Torres, Mrs. Padillia, Mary Muñoz and John Muñoz
Jesusita Baros Torres
Jesusita Baros Torres
Jesusita Baros Torres
Jesusita Baros Torres
Jesusita Baros Torres
Jesusita Baros Torres and Faustin Villanueva
Jesusita Baros Torres and Jess Jesús Baros
Jesusita Baros Torres, Demetrio Flemate and Faustin Villanueva
Jesusita Baros Torres, Jess Jesús Baros and Santos Baros Schubert
Jesusita Baros Torres, Santos Baros and Jesús Baros
Joe Dominguez, Juan Alanis, Johnny, Teresa Aguilar and an unknown woman
Joe Muñoz
Joe Muñoz; John Muñoz; Mary Perez; Santos Baros
Joe O. Gonzales
John Muñoz
John R. Schubert, Gwendoly Shubert, Helen Pearcy, Roger D. Schubert and John Jack Schubert
Josephine Nieto