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  • Letter 168
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Category : Letter

168 results

Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, January 10, 1953
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, January 8, 1953
Letter from Jesusita Baros Torres to Santos Baros Schubert, January 3, 1953
Letter from Rodolfo Torres Aviña to Clemente Torres, October 24, 1952
Letter from Jesús Samaniego to Jesusita Baros Torres, August 23, 1951
Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to William F. Schubert, December 12,1950
Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to William F. Schubert, November 1, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 19,1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 19, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 18, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 17, 1950
Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to William F. Schubert, October 16, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 16, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 14, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 13, 1950
Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to William F. Schubert, October 12, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 12th, 1950
Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to William F. Schubert, October 10, 1950
Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to William F. Schubert, October 7, 1950
Letter from Santos Baros Schubert to William F. Schubert, October 4, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, October 1, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, September 27, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, September 25, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, September 23, 1950
Letter from William F. Schubert to MSantos Baros Schubert, May 27, 1949
Letter from Clemente Torres to Maximino Torres, November 30, 1948
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, May 10, 1948
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, May 9, 1948
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, December 16, 1947
Letter from William F. Schubert to Santos Baros Schubert, December 10, 1947
Letter from Fred Rodriguez to Santos Baros Schubert, March 31, 1945
Letter from Clemente Torres to Maximino Torres, May 5, 1944
Letter from Clemente Torres to Maximino Torres, August 30, 1943
Letter from José Lara Miranda to Santos Baros Schubert, November 8, 1942
Letter from Josephine Montoya to Santos Baros Schubert, August 1, 1942
Letter from William F. Schubert to John J. Schubert and Gwendoly Schubert, March 17, 1942
Letter from Tammy Autobus to Santos Baros Schubert, January 6, 1942
Letter from Guadalupe Flemate to Jesusita Baros Torres, December 20, 1940
Letter from José Jesus Samaniego to Jesusita Baros Torres, January 17, 1940
Letter from María Guadalupe Flemate to María Jesús Barrios, November 22, 1939
Letter from Reynaldo Hurtado to Maximino Torres, September 10, 1939
Letter from Mary Moreno to Santos Baros Schubert, June 20, 1939
Letter from Maximino Torres to Clemente Torres, June 19, 1939
Letter from Faustin Villanueva to Jesusita Baros Torres, May 14, 1939
Letter from Clemente Torres to Maximino Torres, April 7, 1939
Letter from Clemente Torres to Maximino Torres, March 25, 1939
Letter from Felipita N. Baca to Jesusita Baros Torres, March 17, 1939
Letter from Felipita N. Baca to Jesusita Baros Torres, February 23, 1939
Letter from Concepción Arroyo to Maximino Torres, January 28, 1939
Letter from Felipita N. Baca to Jesusita Baros Torres, January 21, 1939